Washington College 30 March 1869 The Faculty has learned with regret that some of the students of the College are making preparations to organize a tumultuous & disorderly procession through the streets of Lexington on the eve of the first of April. Similar processions have heretofore ocassionally occurred & have always resulted in greatly disturbing the good order & quiet of the town; in alarming & disturbing the sick; in the wanton destruction of property; and in endangering human life. Those who may have participated in or witnessed these disturbances, are asked to consider whether such proceedings have in any way tended either to elevate the character of those concerned in them, to promote the welfare of the community, or to give real pleasure or satisfaction to the actors themselves. When students of a college engage in such disorders, it injures them in the eyes of the world, sullies the reputation of their Alma Mater, and tends to diminsh its efficiency for usefulness. Such conduct can only proceed from thoughtlessness & want of reflection, and the President earnestly appeals to all the students of Washington College to avoid such assemblies both as actors & as witnesses; and he calls upon those whose character & standing justly entitle them to the confidence & esteem of their comrades to point out to them the evil they unintentionally commit against their College & the citizens of a town who are always ready to promote their pleasure & to administer to their comfort & relief. He trusts therefore that the students will unite now and at all times to pursue good order & quiet in the (page 2) Community in which they dwell, to protect the property of citizens, and to maintain the fair reputation of Washington College. (signed) R E Lee Pres: Washn College