OCR::/Vol_033/WLURG39_RTP_19290313/WLURG39_RTP_19290313_001.2.txt All matters of business, circulation, or subscription must be addressed to the.Business-Manager, Drawer 899, Lex- ington, Va. Under no should such matters be editor. ‘ circumstances addressed to the BY THE STUTS, FOR THE UNIVERSITY To staff communicate with the r.eportorial of the paper Tuesday and Fri- day afternoons and nights, phone 2143. Other nights and afternoons, call 316. During meals, 489. VOLUME XXXII ~ at 3-4 1 WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13 0berst’s Aids Named; falzrier ‘Nal Li. I‘ duty . l‘-c his men (llil infg; Palmer hu played tlirec yc the ' and. Lee v2...iI;y is re: l?.al'l‘bac..;; to wear bluo _ in rec:-nt years. He will be einelled in the senior law class in addition to his coaching n<.¥:-‘.‘ fall. l~lo‘r.‘m 2; Washington and Lee 'i'1'on1 ‘\ViIliam and 1‘-xlz1i*y where he had charge of the fresh- man line last season. It will be remembered that the Papooses were the only team to defeat the Little Generals during the year, and much of the success of the W. and M.yea1’ling‘s has been at- tributed to the former Penn star’s efforts. In addition to his coach- ing duties, Hoiiinan will law while in Lexington. Both dutie.-3 comes to Palmer and Hoffman are expected to enter the Rockne- Meanwell coaching school here next summer in order to acquaint themselves with the Notre Dame system of play, since Oberst in- 'tends to inaugurate that style when he takes over the reins. No further information about the previous record of the new line coach could be obtained last night as Graduate Manager R. A. Smith is in New York. 0 New Catalogue To Be Off Press By The Last of March The University catalogue for 1928—’29 will be ofi the press by ‘the last of March, those in charge of its publication announced to- day. The new’ 8:30 class schedule - will first be officially published at this time. The catalogue will show 929 students registered on February 25 of this year. It will contain the description of a new award, the Santini medal, to be given for the best student article of the year. According to the University program as it will appear, school will begin on the tenth of Sep- tember with the psychological tests for freshmen, and’Final day ,. ,will come on June 3. j_m— College Humor Praises Illinois In This Issue ' “College society as understood in the East is scarcely heard of at the University of Illinois,” says , Francis C. Coughlin, in the April College Humor. “There is no charmed circle of exclusive fra- ternities—there are vastly too many Greek letter houses to make possible a monopoly of wealth and talent in any select group of man- ageable size. Furthermore, per- sonal aloofness is not counted a irtue at Illinois; it is considered in ill-mannered vice. Men freely mile away a second introduction. They speak after a first meeting. Rather frequently they speak be- fore. A newcomer’s formal alle- giance, good or bad, are little taken into account; he is politely heard, freely and frankly answer- ed, and accepted and dismissed on the basis of his own conten- tions. This is sometimes called democracy. ‘S Oil I W _ ?iai'ce comedy by Owen Davis. as one of the: the I ‘which ran for £i'.)lll(‘, time succe study ,, Sigma Delta Chi Has Monthly Meet Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalistic fraternity, held its regular monthly luncheon ban- quet at the Dutch Inn Monday, with seventeen ineinbers pre;-ient luncheon had been 1 ‘iii aglx./er- ,'—1‘a\.'e a talk l35:ov.'n, ‘ .. I‘ €i1’l,”-.”i”., tan, (‘snip 2 . . 1', ‘.-. I‘ _ . 3 1.. l.l‘.‘ UJL \)J r§leg1"ee at in the .facultv n Ithough it r;<:11eVe<’l, ‘ .. ITUIVE Pill l_c-arnecl, that seine r.lc:’i i,i=ite cliangc.-1 are -,K.,\g; pd-,;1»L;-,;1;3~;1,‘have 1'ea(l_v for pi'c:-:enta’:ion by V ‘_ _ ' “ I a:tnorougn.‘y my: ‘tion for the A. L. degree at W’asl1— April 1 "The Haunted House” The "i‘i'eui*-an was thrash- 'ed out and it was decided to post- pone a vote on the proposed chances until after certain mat- ters could be more carefully gone into. l’rol;«len1 Thoroughly Studied. The committee, composed men trained at other institutions, Oi three of whom are also alumni of ‘- Washington and Lee, has studiel the problem continuously for near- ly a year. These men are: Dr. William M. Brown, education and psychology; Dean Harry D. Camp- bell, science; Dr. R. H. Tucker; econimics; Dr. Thomas J. Farrar, foreign language; Prof. Roscoe B. Ellard, journalism; and Prof. Earl K. Paxton, mathematics. The Washington and Lee curri- culum, the last general revision of which was in 1893, was spe- cially studied last spring by three educational authorities employed by the board of trustees. These three specialists were: Dr. M. V. O’Shea, University of Wisconsin; Dr. M. R. Trabue, University of North Carolina, and Dr. A. Mon- roe Stowe, Randolph-Macon col- lege. Findings were considered by the faculty committee in arriving at the present recommendations. Modifications Recommended. In addition to special explora- tory work for the freshman year, changes growing out of the fol- lowing five problems suggested by (Continued on page four) O:..éj.__ $2,500 Received For Lee Statue Will Place. Memorial In Fa- mous Hall Of House Of Delegates. Approximately $2,500 has been received in contributions to the fund for the erection of a monu- ment to General Lee in the capi- tol building, in Richmond, it was learned today. It is planned to place the mon- ument in the restored hall of the house of delegates where General Lee received his commission as commander of the Virginia forces. The total estimate cost of the proposed memorial is $25,000. Be- fore its erection the design will beapproved by the Virginia art commission. The old hall of the house of delegates is with the exception of Faneuil hall in Philadelphia, the most historic assembly build- ing in the United States. It was there that George Washington was received by the general as- sembly and there the supreme court, under Chief Justice John Marshall, tried Aaron Burr for treason. It was used as the house of representatives ‘of the Confed- erate congress, and it was the tomb of 160 Richmonders, who perished in the capitol disaster. The campaign to collect the fund for the Lee monument is be- ing personally conducted by Gov- ernor Byrd. Contributions from individuals or organizations should be made by check payable to the governor of Virginia and sent to the governor’sofl‘ice. \V21: I _ noav ‘are (l'\'Sl1)()1L.1S sion rcaclies ‘' banquet at ’ journalisni I . a paper ‘. before the banquet- ’ LU.‘ the banquet theme in-Virginia;” all food; were produced in the: The 't"v;-3 (la cliin-.12.: ‘each issue, giving the value and; a good professor will be given due petciit __ Jlcssing to those who ” ‘ quandzaigv as .to wliat ;:tuiiiaiii unchanged and tlzat ii’ a <_ . . _ Ispring fO1’1ll€1l dances bei credit tor his superioriigy ever ggiven that i-:_- be Wit * I anothe: who may be teaching the ISM aside for 1-3 - ,3, _—,~ g ‘ ' set of ‘I - time I ‘that no The plan, if carri <'o::i— ,/was the :sI.1;:i;>:i'£is, It was also le::i'ne; the" day‘, I)ecenilwei° ‘ I ' ould take next jfear. to L. . 1. - 1- . 11 "nv. ': i 7 I ‘ ’ C“ 1 ‘V’ 110,61) be i.'csu.. ;.-' ai‘oLisc<,l no tacrilty I dm. schools where it _ -. ,. ie ;\Io.s't 1 " lillfi‘ reccniincziding \‘»'Ol'l{lll§Z,". of should be entirely As I said«beI‘ore, I thinl; the; The; It can continue‘ “PROGRESSIVE.” state and donated by the produc-I ers. Winners in the various cc-n-‘ test: v. ere announced at this time.I This year directors of the S. P. A. plan to widen scope and; to incorporate new features withI‘ regular addresses and discussion} groups. Details will be annouiic-I ed later, as arrangements v are completed, Prof. R. B. Ellardl said. I MYERS HARDVVARE CO. INC. Established Incorporated JEVVV-v.,\ I I I I I I I I I I I J. ‘W. Zimmerman ml}-1 Tuesday.‘ as: usua,l. ..\;v\ ’ VValter’s Barber Shop 5 ACTION ON A. B. TENNIS STARTS FRIDAY. IS \POSTPONED O I I I Varsity tennis practice I will begin Friday afternoon. I All candidates for the team I are requested to be on the I courts that afternoon at I 3:30. (Continued From Page One). President Smith, will be proposed. The president’s suggested needs for curricular adjustment involv- ed modification of requirements in mathematics, foreign language, English, hygiene, and the group- ing of subjects demanded by A. B. candidates. Final action on this curricular , reorganization, This committee present- I .. . W-hell’ Presment 4 h A, ISniith explains will increase the “ ‘- ' 1 " " '1 , . . not lepotft tho tfe ,elr‘\eCu“1VCIefiectiveness of VVashington and comnii ee 0 e "acuity, wio accepted the reconinieiidatimis with but f€\V changes. LEN JACOBS, 0 I I I I I I I I Captain. I O 0 | E. L. Gill, and Coach Forrest Fletcher. ed its before the close 01' the college year. EZ»'&i1X"‘ I End Tliursday. f It xvas -o lC;‘:1‘l‘.';{i tha.t the; date set for fiiial exainiiiaiionsl iii l\I:iy would pos5:i’ely begiii lilrzy I ’ av ' Illl'QL;{:‘ll May ThcI STORES this . _ “,1 vwl FIEUITS. CA.‘{,2‘;I}E‘.S, CAIIIEZS Ulll¥'Q1‘Sltf»' N on thitif .1 l’1€1tl0IlF,lI Atzd all §‘,’€)O(l thing to eat (?gIJ:“iI.£iTY AND SEE‘ LICE- Special Diiiiiers 500 S11} osed that some 1? 1 3 . . noon 0 ~ pm. id in wi-I he p-la:1:ic(l fori I iver-, , . . V I Meal Tickets R. E. Lee CCEEWEE SHOP ALEf{ANDER THELEN, .l‘-.Igr. tiie I. ijcy si.\‘ (I ,. l/‘'‘ I 7‘ Tie. nee the Ilnix ‘ to have L31‘:-3.(llli»‘Llc"l!>1’l ._,\,.,‘\_,_,,~ .~.~‘ I “It Pais To Look Well” ‘I Saniltation The Law Service The Idea Successors to ‘VV. Harry Agnor Modern Conveniences Expert Shoe Cleaning and Dying 1 Staple and Fancy Groceries I Phones 36 and 76 Lexiiigtorz, Va.- Graduate Optician Registered Optometrist Fraternities We Solicit your patronage Welsh & Hutton Phones 192 and 144 . <. '3 own mind ‘ill §{.u.Ll you in ‘iy more customer:-5 ‘in will the us al rn sales prac- 'ce of pu ' f. -V’ eict do‘-J» ‘ * .rr ttei'ofi '33:, A e and your s,,.ol<:ed up W, and have since 1865 1907 CUTLERY—RAZORS GUNS I I I ROCK BRIDGE R. L. I-IESS&Bro. I Rockbridge Hardware Co., Inc. DESK LAMPS, LIGHT BULBS, WASTE BASKETS, ALARM CLOCKS SUBWAY KITCHEN, inc. By Students——For Students 1oI_:nlI2"» I-n’i1(leiit..= Vile will have with us sentative froiii the College Repre- 1 Friday and Saturday, .73/lurch 15-1 6 showing over one hundred styles and leathers. Come in, make your selections. We will make any combination you want. J. M. MEEKS 107 Nelson Street West Our SPRING and SUMMER Line is now ready for your inspection. We have the largest assortment of Foreign and Domestic Woolens on display, ever, in our store. Come in and look them over. Our clothes are tailored to your individuality. Satisfaction Guaranteed. You are not taking a chance in buying a Lyons suit. Lyons Tailoring Company ??77Y7:???" RICE’S DRUG STORE Can supply your needs in the drug store line. =;A.LAL£.1 If we do not have it, will gladly get it for you. 1": Service and Friendliness Is Our Motto. Opposite New Theatre TVTYTTT? LA!-.i_1._‘_A.‘.5 v :55:-.3:;:;:sas.a;.a.a;=;;5a_a=s.s_s.;x=:A_2..;=;:..L.L s ‘.5.’ A ‘.1 Lexington, Virginia LEXINGTON POOL co. Equipment Unexcelled ' A ~’ ., Ll, WHERE, HOW AND WHY THEY ARE MADE. Added News—Comedy ADMISSION——20c-40c SATURDAY, MARCH 16 William Haines Joan Crawford Karl Dane In “THE' DUKE STEPS OUT” (Premier Showing in the South) MONDAY, MARCH 18 Marion Nixon Richard Walling In ‘ “SILKS and SADDLES” Added Comedy IWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQ %III|iIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII THE CROIX DE GUERRE FOR AMERICAN ACHIEVEMENT For the one man you honor most——— Choose a worthy gift —~the Gruen Pentagon. Pentagon VeriThin, Precision movement, 14 kt. Reinforced gold case, $75 HAMRIC & SMITH Jewelers E IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CHARTS sanvucs IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII}IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIllIlIIIIlIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIiIIlIIIIIlIIIII%j - McCRUM’S - The Student Hangout Excellent Fountain Service All Leading Magazines IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII and Newspapers IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII Drugs and Sundries Prescription Service S Q. E Q S. S E : S S E g V . S E. Q 2 Q Q S 5 EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Q w e