OCR::/Vol_018/WLURG39_RTP_19150420/WLURG39_RTP_19150420_001.2.txt VOL. XVIII North Carolina Plays Senerals To). Currie. prom i s‘ 2 rig: Voozlzrll and three is The niost oi‘ riaiiitained a While ii few The liavc swift pace this season. of the veterans are inissiiig, <‘ai'olina has again Wheeler at stop, Winston catching, (.‘.oi‘rell left iield, Gammon on third and Jaynes and Evans twirling. Van Brocklin has broken into the gaine in the out- field, while Thrash is playing center field, Hodgin second and Johnson first base. Jaynes is regarded as one of the swiftest pitchers in the South Atlan- tic division and composes a formid- able battery with Bob Winston. the big six foot receiver. A.and M. will probably lineup: Thrash, cf. Hodgin, 2b. Vv'lieelei', ss. Winston. c. Vaii Brocklin, rl'. (‘or'i'ell, ll’. Gammon, Sb. Johnson, lb. Jaynes, p. Aggies Following the game with A. and M. the Generals will remain inactive un- til May 3 when the Northern trip begins with a game at V. P. Let Blacksburg. op-- V backed with a string‘ he ;’V'orth 5 short,- in ’his regime. L BY THE White and Blue Makes a Clean Sweep For intercollegiate Debating STUDEI‘-ITS AND FOR THE STUDENTS “TWO GAMES WETH CAROLENIANS LARGE NUMBER GF EWREES ii‘ilERiVi'f§iiE BEFGRE CEGSE GE SEASON, FOR THIRD il‘iTERStliiGi..!i_ST iii. 51 L. DEBATING TEAM WINS Decision OVER rrriirssrr Seasoii-- Bell and Worth Gain 2 to 1 Verdict in in the two final: lly gaining a decision over the Uni- versity of Tennessee Debatiiig Team Saturday, Washington and Lee made a clean sweep on the intellectual jgridiroii lor the 191:7 season. In a contest niarkerl by direct clash of argu - ments and spirited speeches, the Geri- geral debating team, (‘()l111)()Se(l<)fN. M. Bell and (T. E. Worth, the Tennessee duo -H. .l. Fowler and Ernest Arnold in the Chapel of {University of Tennessee at Knoxville ‘.in disciissing the question of govern- linent owiier:-gliip of railroads. Wash- ‘ ington and Lee supported the negative. i The introductions of the debators ibrouglit forth some very interesting lfercts. \Vith G. H. Clarke, Chair- iinan of the Delratiiig Council, presi- icliiig, Dr. Brown Ayre.-r, llresident of ltlie '.lnivez'sity and an alumnus of l‘\’Va..—i}iirigton l/ee. \'«"‘-l(‘()l‘fl«',‘ 3 th»' ,\"ir‘giiiiaiis. He :.-::iv(- a brief accouni the early liistor_v oi" Washiiigtoii ‘and Lee and of the work of William iflrahani. showiiig how one oi" his stu- dents Sainuel Gai'i'eti, founded Blount aiiil tor" (,7olle}_re, in wliich the llniversity oi’ Teiiriessee had its oi'i,e-‘in. defeated , the ' Opposing Government Ownership small audience. E . Worth and ed the clash. H. J. opened the debate with a forceful argi,iment for the attir- mative. He gave a brief history o!‘ the growth of the railroads, showing their present magnitude and their ‘monopolistic nature. He asserted that many abuses had arisen and contended that goveriiment regulation had failed to remedy these. The speaker felt that more ree;iilation was not desirable and that government _ownership would eliminate the political corrup- tion of the present iy destroying the =_l‘all1.'0£‘.(l “lobby, " the _\ubsjd§7,ed 1 press and the railroad campaign funds. i To offset the claims advanced by 1Tennessee, N. M. tell, the iii-st -v’.r:;il‘ evils -could be remedied by giving the interstate l.‘,,',1O\-,~g,,g 5, \~,,,.,,‘, _..(.}m.¢_;,,n iw jvilish ~7.‘oiniiierce Coininission more power. d.e'iiai,oi's lei i';e’fr'>i‘c fvlzii-e‘zii'et Anderson, the loose their pointed facts R.DENhY ‘<1 WILL BE ;iiNiQiii~:l Mucstr HONORElZ‘:: He sliowed that the Arrciicaii " il- ia Coiitinizod on page 6 R UNION FOR 1915 FINALS ifiecepfion and Toke]; of Regdrdillofty Students Ulldt‘-I General Lee Awaits Him—Will Speak Friday ‘ d Fond farewell to the ‘paid by their t"ormerpresideiit, Dr George Hutcheson Denny when he will address the University Assembly Fri- lday morning in the chapel. lformer president of Washington and Lee University will arrive in Lexing- ton in the company of President Henry Louis Smith either Thursday afternoon or early Friday mornin,r_}' from Durham, North Carolina, where the has been present at the formal in- :ang‘uration of Dr. E. K. Graliani as ;president of the llniversity of North ;(‘ai'*olina. ,' He has not yet announced the ,topic oi" his address, but will doubt- iless deliver one of his characteristic, lstron;5 addresses. ll’ is expected that the speech will be oli'ered for the more iespecial benefit of the seventy—tive or Ieighty students now attending Wash- iingtoii and Lee. who entered under Continued on page -1 The Will Return One of the feature.-:. ‘voininenceinent week of the £115} will be thz re- ‘ : I _el"“_l't”lz”-i union of alumni, who attended ‘-' ish— jmemhers ot the class ot 1910 will be ington College under the regiine of President Robert E. Lee, during his presidency extending from ]865 to 1_8T3. The special reunion wi‘l be "‘i&;l(l immediately preceding the regu- lar commencnient exercises on Satur- day and Sunday, June 11-12. V The reunion, which was initiated and engineered by Dr. John 0. Cal- ‘houn, of William and Mary College, ‘will witness a gathering of over 40 of these venerable alumni. Assur- ances have been received from fully this iiumber to attend this iinixiiie and memorable event. NO WORD FROM GREEVER While news has been received from London that Dr. Greever, llsearch work in literature, no word has icome from him as to his or refusal of the offer. recently i ,elected associate professor of English, l jhas gone to Paris to continue his re— l . ihave a meeting" sonic acceptance ‘vVe.SI-IINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 20. 1915 CTED E {.7 llv=iEiET It lC0aci; Fletcher‘ and Evans Ceinplsti ; Buttons oiiSa1s I M anager 2" i’ians— \.7 or K). of‘ the third U.li7‘illJt.l li'iter‘scholastic “Track and Field Garlic.-L to he held on Wilson Field lvluy '2 ;:nder the auspic 5 of the ‘Nzisliiiigztoii and Lee Athletic Associa- tion, will be of groiving interest to trwicls men and their iollowers. Pre- parations for this ll1(’C‘L have been go- ing rapidly forward for some time. and i'i:oin present: indications the only tliint: that can prevent a complete success of the pi'og‘i'ziin will be uri- t'av4,~r:il_>lr: \\'t32llll’el‘ on the day of the meet. I_'oarl:» Forest Fletcher‘, assisted by l‘/laiiagcr Evans and Assistarit Mana- gers J2).Ll«'S0l1 and Hoiighton, has been busily engageil during‘ the past few vveelm completing :_ir‘i'ang‘eineirt1s which will draw a large number or" contest- ants from prepar'-atory schools all over the country, inaking the meet one of tlie biggest ever held in the South. Copies of last ycar‘;~: programs were mailed to over five liuridretl schools in Virgziriizi, West \7ii-giiria, Marylaircl, North So.ith <",aro" int». ,"i'I_’i;-.‘r ml“ l as :i and West. li é~ Tlw Boi'tlicoiiiiii,c; event 1‘.ai:ili;o:i, us well Nortli ‘Ci \ tr L\.'=.'~5 boih 2‘: V ‘A -it ,- -inl»u' oi" schools ; iecliiuviil that the two meets ‘ pi-<-vioiisly at ‘J l’. l. and _iiit: l.li)lfl;’l'!iid Learns :i."4il aliiiiitlairt i':'1lkll<)i‘l.!l the .-:tate lrigjli 'scliool.-2 \’Jlllt'l1 will he in (!‘.'l(.le1lCc on Wilt-ton Fieid. The ".‘Jasliirigtorr and lice meet will he the culiniiiation of intcr‘.~,iciitil;isti<: meet.» held in Virginia _tlii‘s year. On the same date, Van- derbilt will ll21\".‘ a track’ tourney for lliu 3-'0l,ltl1C'l‘il prep atliletes. The plan tiiai \vo.~-ked f~'(.\ satisfac- torily in year on this occasion, that of providiiig button.-i untitlirig the })llJ‘i‘ll2l.!~‘(;‘l‘ to niliiiissioii the gate, wil be-«.;‘aiii t'oollw:>d. These but- ltons xv‘ ; be on sale toinr~i'rov.' at the 1 Uiiiver.-;it_v >‘uppl_v Store, where they may be procured at any time from now to May 1. The price of the but- toiis will he titty cents, tire usual charge for these ganies. The pro- moter-: are eariiestly hoping‘ that all students will act at once and not de- lay obtainiiig the buttons, as a con- siderable amount of ready cash is needed to finance the meet in its earliest deniands. The appeal to the alumni for contributions has met with very slow response but the rnaiiageineiit feels reasonably sure of selling’ enough admissions to make up tfor this loss of‘ reveiiiie. i-‘rs ‘ihc case last year. the : ~.'l.\‘llli‘.~_L’,' ineinhers oi’ the various track teanis will he placed at the iliii'er'eiit ho;1rdin;: places in town, it being: the ci.isl_ou: tor the 'Ll](3iD‘ assistaiice ‘this nraniier, teiidarit upon tors, the R tlnr -_"llU1ll ‘ cf ru 2‘. L ‘.V £1 s i'r2iteriii'Lies to leird to venture in To avoid confusion at- thc arrival of the visi- Weption (lominittee will time this week and apportion the men to the various E | l l I the Continued from page 6 OCR::/Vol_018/WLURG39_RTP_19150420/WLURG39_RTP_19150420_002.2.txt 2 iiitniiaii an Gimwii i3ECiSl‘v’li3i I R lL'\']‘(* iii the .~,ev<:ni.li. l ‘lweetlazid (l\.">()tiI1_',",('1.. G ‘.2 0 Colyiile, 2§l>. (S Gallagher, Bailey, rt. Rives, ll). Porter, lb. Brown, 1%. Harrison, lt’. Sweetland, c. liotirs ‘_. r-~ >¢—‘~ Ci 4.. l\'J [C [Q 35 C i\3 [Q r-4 r-4 r—-* r-A >-— .>—* >—4 '3 P‘ l_\': :1; G [\: [C1 C3 L; I‘; Graham, p. O “'Smith 0 O C C‘C>-i+L\'4>—*.HOr—‘CCC« OCOCO+-‘>-JOOUIOC 18 2'7 fifth. H P0 40 12 lives in Michigan AB Sheehy, ct‘. 6 Laliadie, rf. 6 McQueen, 21>. 6 Sisler, lf. 6 Brandell, ss. 6 Benton, c. G Maltliy, ll). -1 Waltz, :31». .3 I3 I)-a\'idson, p. ‘$ 2 Ca.~\vell, 3:. O 0 V I if Nicols. p. ’llni;dl.\‘ 50 19 31 Score by iiiiiiiigs: W. & L. LO -Cl Totals *Smith ran for [{.»-Ia»-*u',~;C,.'.C;I>—‘l\’«[\', 41> »-«oo:.;>—n—uaoooot=:‘ 27 14 7 020 (H0 102 12 .\'Iichigan 003 510 1:31 19 Suinmaryz 'l‘wo—hase liits. Sweet- land ('2), llarrison, lialiadie. lioine runs, Sisler, Gallagher, Waltz. Stolen liases, Sisler (Z), (iallaglier, Bran«.lell, Bailey, Porter, Benton, VV2l.l7.. Double plays, McQueen to ton: Nichols to Maltby. Sacrifice hits, Brown, Multliy,Labadie, Sheehy. Base on balls by Ilzwidson, 2; by Jen- iiiiigri, 2; l)_V Caswell, 1; by Nichols, 1. .‘5acritic.e fly, Maltliy. Innings pitched, by Davidson, -72 1-3; 8 hits, with (5 runs; Caswell, I, it hits, no runs; Nichols, 2 2-3, 7 hits: Graham, 2. Passed balls. Benton, 1.. Tinie 33:42. Umpire. 7.immerinan. Second Game Michigan scored an even more strik- ing victory in the second gaine, win- ning 14 to 2. Claude Hastings, pitch- ing his first game for the Generals, received miserable support and yield- ed 12 runs on 7 hits in the first five innings. In the sixth, Al Pierotti assumed the twirling burden and checked Michigan, allowing the Wol- verines but two hits and as many Michi- the -rJ.ll2§_,,l1(.‘1‘ .~core«.li the seventh, , ‘ainiely. VVhile the Generals were held score~ 1 .93” ltmk 3d"3“t3§I“ 0f “I9 lllashlllg‘ ii less until the fifth, Michigan increas— ittm ‘ma L90 mlSl’l?‘.V~*‘ in lb‘? 93‘~1'l.V in’ ed the lead liy tallying tive runs. Four hits, including Sisler's homer with two on liases,- a walk and an error, gave the Wolveirnes their tallies. the fifth. l‘iCI1t()1i scored, while Waltz’ homer in the seventh proved the tenth l falmedv but YOUH8‘ d1'0V(’- ‘me th1'0Ugh ‘ sent i im— i run. The Generals made a wonderful up- hill tight to catch Michigan. In the fifth, four runs were registered and nings and won easily. Sweetland and Young prevented I the Generals from sutiering a shutout. 1 land. the box too hot to handle and Sweetland to third. Gallagher planted his might behind one of David- Continucd on page? In I In the fifth, Davidson walked Sweet— " Bagley, hitting {for Hastings, ' Plll Variety is the spice of Spring ciotlie:-~. That’s \vliy our representative l)'x‘li1§’.,‘S with him so many trunks. Samples of every style and every size we carry. Hundreds of samples oi.‘ new S1)i.‘i2‘:,<;‘ fabrics. You have the same wide choice yo‘-.1’d have in any of 0111 four stores in New York. See for yourself at the Lexington Hotel all day Tlmrsday. One day only this trip because tomorrow we’re due at the Barracks over at V. M. 1. Filled ROGERS PEET COMPANY Broadway at13th St. Mail orders Broadway at 34th St. Fifth Ave. at 41st St. NEW YORK ClTY “The Four Broadway Corners” at Warren STRAIN & PATTON Clothiers AND Gents’ Furnishers Men’s, Boys’ and Child1'en’s Suits reduced one-fourth Men's, Boys’ and Children’s Overcoats and Macki- naws reduced one-third l—4-~,~.«.+.:—.—..- No goods charged at these prices. 9 ..il —— --THE-~—— Rockbridge National Bank Cordiaily otters the young men of Washington and Lee the focilities of this Bank. We are well equipped to handle your drafts and bhecks and will welcome you business whether it be largefor small. For Safety and Service ROCKBRIDGE NATIONAL BANK ‘ . l,P4___?44.——QV.__..-.+__ IKIEUFFEL 8: Essen too. 127 Funon stree1.NEW YORK HOBOKEN, N. J. 3 (‘HICAGO ST. LOUIS MONTRIiA1 l General Office: and I‘£.'(I( ii(.~. SAN FRANCISCO Mathematical and Surveying Instruments . Drawing Materials Measuring Tapes l . We have the most complete line of DRAWING INSTRU- MENTS in various grades. Our Engine-divided Slide Rules enjoy an excellent and wide reputation. We carry every requisite for the drafting room. Special mice: to students. Free catalogue on request OCR::/Vol_018/WLURG39_RTP_19150420/WLURG39_RTP_19150420_003.2.txt R li\'(x‘A'l‘LlL»l ‘Elli 'l E‘? PR.0MINEI\lT LEGAL Vi(J'i‘{)?C:“ ,_ . § , ‘Q T . _ <,. . 4 . ..—':..r. ‘M. .3a The \'ici<»r_\‘ 0!‘ l.ll(?\‘C'L‘lll1H‘l1l in ‘ _ _ . l . , . . .. . . . con\'i(3iii'ig llli‘ Terre lizilliéfi hilicizals oi" §5:.isl»;~vf ':“es‘m'ities {lose Willi bpiriteil ‘ U,A,.b.I._;J.T..,_L.,. ,»_,, =....W (:1 h..duduk.,,;_ 01%,, ;; Dim:-9 0f ; iiiiiiieiise iiiilizil l.‘.'l'i1lV][:l‘.j: .-ii ....:r.—;e'v. prtesiilem of the H Firm! Halli, and 21 g1'a(iii2:le of 'l‘ne_ Tllll‘f‘3é."ii -’.‘iiil- ‘ ‘ivy’; ' l:1\‘.' L‘l:I*~s' of’ '1914. Av. .~:‘g>ec.izzi« l._ym-h (‘.hi.'i:zirtine1‘it ms" vl1lStlC’U, I llzindy. <'-lusezi ihv miimi of iho ’-j;1st(:»' 10 did the ll ajor purl’ 03' ii‘-.(‘ (letziil ' i‘(2sli\.'ilies: la. Tii<,-.~.Lir.\ /iiglit in the 3.‘ trion. ",§i1ll1‘O3’O{l (‘\',ln’lC1lC(} and 5‘ -'_>;y2iiiizisiiini. 2‘. iih mi ;T.'~ii‘iie::,~:.{‘ num~ i§;';=.\'a; .«,esl;i1ii-niiy liefore the CUll1'l. her of stag}; to ~%l10\\'~?l' their :1‘;teni'iv , 3 {lo hzis hem: pr:1'.n21iie'n‘;l_\' stzitioiie-hi ; i npmi the few ‘fair .1‘. the e‘.'e1itl:ii iiiilimizipolis and is \'i1'iii:;lly in‘ _ , ‘ “Q '~.'.'zis L1 .\‘pirirei‘. ;1n(l(\':: v_ : . jcl2Lii'z;.{'e of M ‘ ope1';iti(>n>‘ zil tliati 2 z ,;v;,{ma :"iu'Lii'e, While L~‘lli'ij<".l‘i})7 ' . 3;‘. ' T. : nnuiincetl filial’ he Will‘, ' ;1.- l.>eziiii.il'ii‘s ;lIl'.i Well. alion in .liimo. in orrleri 2121:)’ Miami fin-,ii.<. . The final event oi" 3'£;isLn.2'r \\“.i.< }':~re~i 3 a. ;:.--=,isu'l ln‘ :1 Til“ l3'ziii.<:mt 2:! (lie t3e2in»- -K ~_-~,- - E $1 - ‘ ——ii3‘ tin; M 3%! r.ig;e..t Dilsom U “ I V .lll()S(. enja. . .. . ‘ J Arq§.a.F .. . , . . ‘H » ...-..E..ii. . .- :7 . - Vlen. s Pressi.m°; (,iul;i fwliss Hen’. icil‘ t- . l _ N P W ““’ - 1». ,—L W “S A Q ‘ " 1* ‘ ‘ 1 H, .,.v\,.._ 5 .\..v .,. ‘"33./' “ ’ l M M éifiullés . ~. . . UP-TC)-DAM. No .lin'.~‘. ."{.‘1'(,‘,‘,' :~ '1', ‘. ~_ .- with A‘. L. \._- " .r",.:".lj IVIADE. ox l'lU.\.’0l'i Miss Grace ~7=—illi;1m of iiflmxniii, 7-;.‘.._ . , . :. :., . MW bC.‘.;L ,h.,+ ,.\.‘,,.,_ . . . -, 7 _ 9 > ‘ ' -“ -‘ ' ‘ » “f -- ’ i . . _ -..r _ V/_ A _'a Dr \ .\.'1th J. in ileniiiiz-r. _ -_.' ; .. _ can {lei}.-r_mi2ie ior mtg‘ ;_’hQ;].£‘,- 0'1’ §;‘,t:‘1'L(j_ to L R5155 1,11% '[1.,-.n3,‘i_.,§n,\ iii’ l{i«,’ll;11I)n(i7 . .‘ ;n Equipment for ‘ 8 K}; T «i 3' 1»: M‘ 1 3.4. I .. .. . -r i A (1 ‘ i “'1 l “U ‘L ' “W . , , .l.a.mi Teniiis Baseball Gall. Cryliet~, O em merican ii an E Otfi . , l . ‘ . , 7 9 . l Miss l\.'dllS<)ll1e 0: \)l’illl§’.f‘. 2 u. will T F. E, ‘ . . ,, rt‘ 5%: 1' ~ 1.-.... . ‘ v— ~ - W _;. wx. . iiaiix J.in11l1ler‘-,lS1“.Ul_§ _ LYNCHBURG, Wig“ Elias Alice ~\i'ms‘ .1 _ ______ 5 > _ znonth, V2'.., Witli B. ‘ ‘ Miss Rolmrtzi Kenneily oi‘ H<>i' _~ip1'ir.gs, Arlxz, Willi 1’. A. (‘hil(ler.<. i‘-.'ii.~:.s E1'nesiine «pillits MC S2i.\xa.nmil1, ;§;%n F: nL,i_\.m A _ _1.,.1 _ f D()1]5t fl.Hv,0W your Old 3110,33 aWdy_ Ban Gar, ‘.\.lLl'1 Ray Smith. u 'V"1'C°““’* M“‘“"' i T2,, V. .\, f T . [- .} H .11 vPrc\.ViLlon<-.9, 1: . .. I .~~_5m»yim feiésmesg we will inalie them 11<:ew. host \ ’lii‘L‘e O ‘ <- -r I Wm“ A ~ ‘ . ' ) ‘r ~ O‘ W -- -’A '41’ J. ‘ . , 2.-. Al1l»)»5 AA(115c¢L€ r Clllpir U 1 (L \1 (, Caml .id_.,e. 1/L .. Lia ...(l>.zH«1,(.: Vvork done “ Mlle you “,a“' 3521.. With Stlldll M00!‘€- '} Write fL}l'C‘:tt21l()_"‘Ll€. its ‘free _ _ , L “M HARRY PILNIC‘; o . Miss Vl1'g‘ll]li: Toiiiiikiiis oi i\iL-\Vi‘ 36 W. Wzisliinggtoii Next to Diitch Imi Alf. ‘v"."="3l-.il{ GUAP. i‘i'i'lf.ED , . J,-, . . ‘9;i:iU.. Vx/R EHT & DITSON N * ¢€l1V-/ashimztun <4 w-cl , V €44 g them to us anal 9.1’ Lez*...l1er usec. York (flty, Willi J. A. Rev». lFU.LL MNE OF COLLEGE JEWELRY: Miss Dora W. \Nit?. r.>i' l.v\:iii:rti'lli,‘ 'i“*"ate”llt.l/ Jewel”) . A. Beall, s. Riley, 1:. 1:1-;.~.».m. R. s. Sr-vcialtv at i Transiei W agons Gzirdner, E. M. $Im2ii't_. T. (‘. V.Vaf.ers. I{e(1s()nahIp [rices E. I). (.‘rocheron, J. M. Srqhmoele, W. V " ' " " .Vl:"‘1i‘]‘t°{,:‘5' P;‘I““"‘\“ A‘ ‘ A L ~ f Stylish Rigs Reasonable rigit, -. . L’ 1 ne:-', i. . .~. tero, ‘ . ‘ __ ; i ‘ y ., W'. S. Hopkiiis. .l. D. Faisoh, R. E. , ~——— S lfirkpatrick, C. S. Mitler. R. A. 1. M I ' V1“,-M,h.,ne NQ204 Lewis, K. S. Purdie, (I. B. Bal(lwin,i . . Jefferson Street Lexington. Va .1. E. Cantrill. W. W. Vvard, A. E; ' — . B k Pierotti, E. R. Pleasants. J. L. Dean, ;, ,‘ - 1°“ W‘ Mney’ Prop‘ , . l. M. Faulkner, E. B. Marshall, M. *' « , ' ' ' V ' ' _" V N V‘ M.(n.5}m1], A_ C, cl-ymb1e, M_ s_ San-‘ ' r -- ’ —r \ WE SPECIALIZE IN Successor to W. C. Stuart. ders J. Kirkpatrick J.W.Fr0sl R<>b—" H‘, » ' i V _ 1 2 . . c- als Ma azmes ert Schulz, and Dealing Christian. 1 _ _ . §COh"ge Annu . ’ g (fhziperonesz Mrs. H. B. Scl1ei'inei'—f ' ’“‘”" "”" ' " * ‘ and Stat10nerY- horn, Wrs. E. W. Nichols, Mrs. J. M. For Shoe Repairing l 3 ‘ . -. . at , Young, Miss l\/Iarg'u1'et Graham, Mrs. Go To 1 Sampl“ and Prices up0‘ic::qI‘k‘ ' .3‘ JJINE .2‘ 1:. R. Witt, Miss Elizabeth Grahani,_. 4 DULANEY-B0ATWR“i'r‘T ~ "- CAN BE FOUND Av,- Mi~..v. W. M. Kimball, M:-5. .1. BHC. , . , l‘.y.'_‘.°fl’Tg",“.1_ VARNER, POLE & CO. Shultx, Mrs. B. P. Ain.ii'>:i>‘il‘l:- fir" I'll?" l ,,i. ' V .. ‘ - =iv':>rw-ilielini '1" "W l'f‘\'(,‘l':-’»'cLl.~, as 21 ii.‘ il!aéhiiig;or: and 1.25: l.ii.i‘vei":5i::.' W:ei:i$J . Z ;‘.lr.'(l{if‘i‘v'l \Nl\3A i (E"“"L'5""”"" lg”) iii‘ :53 (-i'i'iir:= in six’ S.f{:iTl{‘.~. l l i . l’il§i;U.‘li21i \l(“{"f'.viill, i= liel1as2ilrea(i;' ‘cl?‘ii‘.\".iLli“iC(.'(i iiis ‘,«)'(':- graniine for the i:e1‘fi>i'rii'ni*eand il i'i:r1i.!.~‘.z1L1> 'i~‘\‘r‘rn ".'Ui-IE~‘li\'. . . 2 _ ., ‘ . . . i H _ V _ I V _ dlpisl Wili Be sieard iii Library 1 mi ii };,\Mg-;E\; ‘W ' in‘-~ l.5,l.~ ii-seii liliill‘ :‘l)\'l(i‘.l:~‘ ‘ , ~. . .. . . V 4 -« -~ . . .~ . ‘ ‘ ? i’ i .‘ ' l l<’,(>‘-:l’.'l‘(‘. "".-" Jr. 3u'r:s'srii>U'- ‘4=:‘1~°’~'i>0i .W/‘*1’ ‘ ~ . ii... i'[‘.\ ‘ii, rliili'.'.w- ' i mlndzll M2“ :1 . i ' \1l “ ’ Single coin‘ -» \"(}I3.':l ‘ ‘ ““"“ ‘ “"‘ ‘ “‘ i ;, W1 ALLL \ __ iiiuu cziii:i’::l<- iwiacl. ii: Ii.‘ ‘ M W.’ (X e. “,1! T.” I . L )1 il l'li’,.'\Nl\: li. i’iA\'NE. Jr. 7' * t _ _ : ‘ib4:‘..i »i:*.~.;— « :. .z._i ii _ I, ,,\,,P‘, ‘ )FF‘1('l~1—'l‘Ii[R[) FT.()<)'i{ :»iAi.N 7‘.i'iil.i‘iIL\.‘t‘. r:<-' l1':.‘.2; \'r=:i<":'-. in im i'0.Bf2il‘.0':1lint-ii-ii at Une .ii3l)l"'»11" ‘\'l()l‘(l‘].‘-' 7: ""“\‘l1“\‘U‘ 'i M)” “W 5 . . . .l " . 5 ' “ ‘ =i .J(IHi\ i>. H.-‘\l~‘;M()N I ,<:;'.< Cziil 1 llllllh ziim 1 ;iigi~,§_ 11“. mi-I,i5i_ _ .i -NI .1 ‘-3 I I I \\_[*()P i r3nLi:1‘v‘t.l £1? thé.‘ h“X‘~ '_'-‘Mi ‘ 4» i=‘’’i‘' , flistiiiei hli m’. a '\.‘(>ll’C{‘!’l Willi All I I, , H_I,(,'H,:‘ . * ~— N. v . 'i - - * >‘ . . . “L l 3fi"~"e as "er iid <.i«is~ iii .i -niI-’M . . .. F» . , i<‘i'21iiees Meleeiii in i7ebi‘iia\'. will he A L JHUWW i ' 5*‘ “ ' ‘-“ ““-ll 4" . .‘ . ii (‘Al-?'l‘iC -1 (Hi; SS l -— —'— _ the sole })Ci"i‘lO!'}"i‘v.x3l' a‘-. tin: recital. 3: , , , ) .,‘ , I is l1t»{J‘P,. i l‘ l.JLl\llN(r ‘Lyle, \l\ l F.DITOR’u\,;".. 5313‘ ARI‘; VV_>‘\l{i{lCi\’( Bi:- .. ' ‘>3 ‘ w r - 'ii 9,11‘: ct (‘Wu (l(‘-x v>‘l\‘é> ‘.'ii‘i«»‘i‘iC‘S Willi K ( i I 1 7) flu NW.“ (kw [L H \‘llll"l:»’l\"3l'1 13- l')- D5‘ 15- >'elec‘~.i~ii.< 2.1i1(l r.ll‘‘-. :~',i-<;i*i\}': i7. (iillézim, ll. At ‘:1 Williiil the "%eziei~als-,ii'}.. Ho li-ad rL l~i=aui,ii'ii‘i tn.—:ii~i.ini-iii ll. S. .‘%;<~ii'-.>i'il. ll. ('. l‘l.:e ziml Uh Hf w . . E. S. siiiitli. .;iz*li'~.‘«~; i{:a.,‘x'i'”5” "in NA.‘ ‘liaslwiliail .-.12+v:ie ~-ii li'l'r1l ‘.‘.:i‘;i— l(. ~\‘(“"7‘l" ‘"3 R l’‘ Glll‘ ':'ii. W ' J n ' \ i 1 Mflcjl-‘Y HONORED ’.'.{l(l<‘: {ill} l’!i7‘iil‘<1§_{‘i‘!T‘:4’-Til \l \ii'~.~ :\i‘.i.lr‘ *"" ‘\9”“"‘""‘ W -13 ..,_ \I,'},;1,.»_ _ (‘i.:‘.i';i~.iii<-i~ oi‘ i‘i<*i(i ilqiiipiiieiiiz H. ‘:’iv7.‘ ' . J . » . . . I ‘ ‘I H./.~, ~.' 1 I 1: iii.-ii .‘i.~~~ I lL"',Y"‘l l (o.v"i«A~:e l’l'(‘(-‘l'C(I(l in» 1lll'\'EL‘Ell li-;i‘L 1‘ l"‘"“‘l " ‘i’ l‘“"‘"' i.., l.. T. ‘.Viii'.e, '1‘. ll \57“i2l,l<,‘l'.?. .\'. iCi'2i_i:,~‘. 5’lii>1o_g‘i';i}ili(‘i':12 J. 11. \‘v’iliiain.<. if .'\. .\«l("‘ll~f‘{‘:V3.'\’ill”. i i,. , . I U l_ p .\ ‘.. ‘ M whm:.. V1,.’ iVv,,1.1C_\.(\ _\.M~:; 11,“, l‘.:,~l(iil.d.V Wl‘-" LARGE IFJUIVEBER {IF ENTRIES i‘. S. :\i(\iil\‘. {;\\[!_._ i(,....,dl’,£~Ll i,i_i(‘:(,i Vl.l.\ .ti:< xi/liile in } ien ry U l‘ii|l‘i‘: to‘ -.. é:i‘.’-.»i:i to “ - .—i.w>n.'li,-iii'<- ‘t.=.t1i.~i'-is ‘ imine or. i“1'1:,i:Ii_v e\'enii‘i;_»j. "lii~"~ t5i—iilo1'.~' will do liI)il(il' [(9 their ‘ ,’.',i.~.';;;:' i(’ai(lf‘l'. e_\' will meet Dr. 5 § V: ‘I , '5='<‘ N ' elosi-, April 27th. liiilt so tar the i"ol« il(I|l>U,~' ill‘ \‘\'lllCl| l'l1E‘_'s will he 2u‘(‘4‘iliIl() iU\,V‘lli_£{ ~:-.:'iiool.< li21\'e igntgredz Detroit iiaieil (luring '.li0li‘>liii‘1'l ii(y;1l High school, will tlieii be ?‘V<’.‘~ llll’-i W Til‘/‘ (“<1”1[”~*~"~ j the .\‘(*V'(‘l'2il iezll‘1\.:~' ii(>t‘i'_\'iiig‘ them 91134 l7i~,lil‘r\ll’l‘iL- .\%llll['cll'_V School. riie -,\‘enior.< i'oli.>\viii;._r in i-aiik. :~.‘~\-in.-,1. ii“. ;.ii.n 2.3.9 ii, 9. wiwil Kiley .;iWm,,_.,.i.i‘ _\~_ i‘ High §;Ch(’)0~1_ V\,r0Od_ ‘ lllggilfll llfi” l”"H\‘ lllllmllliell .%'2i ‘in Dr. i‘»eii.ri_\.' {_l1ll'lii§I his Cm-,i ind” .- and mi-i(.,.i_ mgm. Jvii‘,_.i,‘\..“_],.:.di‘ _\~{_imU1, i‘;_.mX\,me. .‘ rleeiimletl in the Univ-:r.~'it_V . - . ‘F’ - .v 1‘11‘Lgni“i-(‘,0 iii \1\V u.:~liiIi§_'(im .i§1‘IOil. 'i.l:u.< iniiiiiiii'/,iiig' li«_‘i"'-' ;:.nil Lee i'm- lliiili ‘-.ievV:. l"-3,’ =.'iiim\_ €,.i r.l' ><‘il.(‘l1 3! ~r- Iii 1'-z: .i:.:2ii‘..=i‘ will .i , "Vri-i‘i'l. '- wfin “.\"ii-‘ in‘ li<-re} risii ’ the _L’ll(’SI‘:S iii‘ the 1* Ten-”__ gig};-ii _\'(‘_l‘,()f)i]' lJI\)‘\'1'r]«L3:‘4()T1 H13-ii and we hope l,i'lir~L \‘.'lll net ;,i;~: an ll 1" lJ’&(‘.(“]i(i4!-'7‘: iizii‘. heeii iiliiilfleii‘ i>_\' giiiiieiii liod). Seliool, ( liisier .\‘[»'i'Er;g:: Aeadeiny, cehtivc 1-0], ii“,_,.3 M S._V.(,ii ii“ ,,_H.iH,:,_ flit‘ _‘~‘i‘!‘~%W'-v‘ 90'!‘ llll" f01'”10!' (‘Mel EX" While no ai‘inoLine<‘~ineiiI has liei-ii Stziuiitovi .\'lilitaig\' :'\i;i(leiii;y. ihistoi _ _ > V ieeiitive hul the inlan \i.‘;ie< 21l:Zil‘id0ll€(l ‘ n~.;L(i.., ii; ,,- (‘n,A\:pCgt,Cl_: ihdi 1119 (Midi 1—Iif‘h ;-,‘Ch(,‘,‘i .1-mi ,‘,+L;1.i/.15‘ The Bllllllllmihillll “iU’nm' "‘('m"V"H‘;"{"l %11'»“i&Ltl01‘i5‘» ‘VL“I'<‘ l'C‘C€W€d t0 the holirlay will lie 4'l€‘~.‘iPC'(l for the «i:i_'~.' of i<‘i'i>in l<:t‘i.er.< rer.'ei\';:'l by the inan- is i;oii1,iiiLii.w~' its cuiie-0rt.e(l. v:il(I:’l to Pi=e5i.1oi1t':; regeption oi‘. Friday night. the meet—_ age1m,11,_ an M me SC-imois .mai mg. A ,ki,_1,-.,»;,.‘i,L.,< ti, heed [M iii‘; A special .~;:>etie-n of the Chapel will The meet will start proinptiy at ‘(‘i1t)"i(%>‘ u".><;- opiiinist-ip ()\'(}y ihgip he ‘.¥9:%e)"i'-'*fl 1'01‘ ll’101~‘0 \'v'l-W 9U'f€1'€d H10 txw. oieloeli. lo assist in running ‘ eliziiwes mid \\'i‘i‘r good weather several Ul‘«l"€*1i*3‘~..‘v' 1‘-3l‘~l‘«‘l—' D13 D€‘1m.V dnd the." will the V:u'iou.~‘ events 22 l}ll'§{E,‘!l1'i‘:'fll)e1' oi’ the I’ollo\.\'iiig‘ i*ec(n'd.~: should be _ _ , p _ ‘»‘v ill Sll ll} ‘<1 l*<’d3' <1’-”'lll§%‘ hi‘? '<‘ld(l1“‘3>79« of iifiieials have lieen appointed. All 3 broken: l”’0l3°Sltl"’l ‘ll 7’]““ "“"""° Ell‘? ‘“""""m' F'«.‘»i' the iiiai:g1ii*zilioii of Dr.Gr‘c&1l1‘_26, 1913. them is izlfle doubt but “mi ipimm Of thi‘ Slate U111‘? /‘-'~‘lU0>1- orrler to be assigned to their ".i_i'ioi1s‘ 220—Yar(l Dasli Jones, Vi/esterri duties. The officials that lizive heen High School, W'2isl1ing:t0n. time 25s. pm GAMS To CONVENE HERE appointed are as follows: April :36, 1913, Sl()}_fEl!1 “ li;i<_~l< To l.exiii;:t(>i1‘ .iiiil ex- pects to i1:“.’ zi ggiiziiily niiinha-in its a will he a s2i.lubrious time in .~.i‘a.i<| old L9“"mgt‘m in ']“m’' Referee: Dr. I'Ie1i‘r3 Louis Smith.‘ 440—Y2ii'I.l Dash Jones. Bir- We wou1<1m'gc n'1’]5Va'1l1ll“V“HHl ‘~‘v'l1U Judges zit Finish: Dr. .i.L. Howe. niingrhain Higli {Qcliviolz lime 34 1-7»: ”ro:ninen* :iir.oiitr Ul1tSt‘11‘.'lln$I l'1i‘i(l- V i . VV . . _ , intends toattenil the ('.()!l'1illr"‘Ii(’i‘l!if‘l:l'l ‘ V L ‘ ( i ‘ ‘ l)!'*'‘i llv ‘» H'l11‘I1I>I“I!‘<‘.'»"~'~ llii 1- >1. Api‘il.L”. l37l"x. -~~~‘:-'~ l“t";'t‘ W-..~'> « .. . .. . M _ -, - « - ,4 i _ “M” ”’ ‘l‘l”‘” H -J “if h ‘It V “H l':xi'rar, llr. De La ‘ww.1i‘ lu21:~tei', l)r. i*%‘z%() Ygmi iiiiii \. Joiies liii'1iiing‘— (*.\elC]:,()S in June, to im~.~ ,2».-. >ii.w , H, 1 _ -, H), , «ii i _ , i » , ‘iI.;_»‘f\zIi din: nu this xeai win .>< .l.e ii ‘iv \.mi.m k-...,u_ (WIN ‘.1 1] I ‘H . . ,1 1 “mt OH (. 1- _ X r ,. ‘i _ _ _ ~_ _ V. , L11 *1" ,1 :.~... - '. 121.1] I Elli i‘.('i1l4l : _. A _,i ) Hus; I)‘iI“i1'.1 “int :1 111%’ rm f'ul-0!‘: ’~‘v "l'H‘ ll-Ml’-ri'i"e‘itiiii ‘Di Ll‘ i \".r F 'll‘L eh*uite".‘ ii‘ « - ~ \ - ~ . _ . L g r_ ‘L IV | i «J .1 gi. r ( is l‘ i\l(.!.l\- Ui (_(,.L,_,-5.3; 1.3 ,i_ \i\. {-1. _\\m»i1 2,,‘ 1g)1_i_ .I1‘i|££.I(}i i.,. iiwi Phi Gaaiiiiizi Delta \1,”l)i(‘li is to lie hp,ldl})U!Ea1,d' NINE Rm] I)U_\.{m>p(n.1.f R(mm)k(‘ of the i'et.ui'iiin;,>;. If; in liexirigton on l’i'itiay and 5£?.l.l11‘(ld_\'i _ V ‘ _ As.l~ ‘ 1CV__(mS‘ W. I,’ Huughumv G 1,. _}aCk_ ‘ 26? 1916. 199:8 and the Unlveh’ Y of Vlrgl”'H' ‘son, (3. T. Hollirook, J. B. Gladnev l.2(l—Y'.irh, Dr. G. D. Han— Keewatin School. Prairie du Chien. the record Or (me atm d. Ldltb () .Ynp()it;1Il(,€ (.011 F011 1112, cock, Dr‘ Shannon‘ Plwf.-VV,‘ H‘ Lune 265: Apr” 25’ 1914. i . lone Victory’ ma Generals M... 9,‘, The delegateqmdguestg we expect‘ Morelaiid. : Putting‘ 12 pound Shot ~Bohm. ‘ad Q. anjive F“'1.‘idq’~V eVg’m‘r” ahd the] ' limers: ‘Dr. H.l.l. Czimpliell, 111‘. Castle Heights Seho(,>l.Leban0n, Tenn, E0“‘0Wmf ’ ‘ _ "11 ‘E’ ‘ > iV'. lieC. Stevens, lg. A. lmnahue. distance 43 ft. .‘3—:—iii. : April 26, 1913. _ *E’_m0!I1Eng‘ W1’ énte’ l‘1l)OnlW'. G. Loughon. Throwiiigj Intercollegiate Diseus—— cOnSlde.r.ah(m , Qt business of lhei Si‘!'t?‘-‘T 5'iGt4'h81'. Goelitz, Keewzitin School. Prairie de c(‘m‘V€'Tml°“‘ E.0“('Wmg the_cOmp1_et10n‘ Measurers: M. R. Miles, E. B. ‘Lfhien, Wis, distance 118 ft. 7 in.: W “W” “* SW‘4l i”‘f’%""<1”?“"lll’9”‘3“‘isiiui:z, E. R. Hallman. ii. M. cm-— April 25. 1914. A ;gi,iI'1J,ECd. lPt‘m1n?1t|I1;;' in a banquet tiS_ Running High Jump Goelitz’ eleiiii sweep in foreiisic: ela.~'.he.~<, haV~ 3 f‘. t .(i. ~, . ‘ B .- . ft : , V ‘ < _ ‘ _ ‘ 3a U1 ‘U U/911mg’ tween fi eel) I“5i>€‘Ctm'S? V 8- BWI1. 1‘. Ni‘ Keewzitin Sehol, Prairie du Lihien, Dingwall, W. K. Seeley. '1'. A. Wis. lieiglit ft. 8 in. 2 April 25, ing previously gziined 21 decision over . and twenty visitors are expected. Trinivy. We offer our heartiesit. <:on«i ' Myles, R_ VV‘ 5. Schulz. 1914. gratulzztions on the record. Joh“ D- T1‘lmlll9 left .V€5t€1‘d€i.‘/ £01’; Chief Marshal: T. Mel’. Glasgmv. Pole Vault —l)e Tremhlay, Brook- There is no Way of dodging the is. V:3f‘vhiI1g.t0ii,tfrkzinszis ‘ whfere he wliilll Assistant Marshals: W. C. lyn P. 1”. School: height 10 ft. 8 in. we in baseball’ In the Six games ll3ia§s;dg[:1s;:d all 0i*'ntahCeltLieel:e‘ts1. 1:/3l1ui1'e(Ei filiile1'Isi;onHai€’lec:i:gaii' i:'eaIi:iiWi*.L' Apfr{1Liiii(i)i1g1?311':ed Jump ~-Jones Wes- played, Washington and Lee has beenlfor an L. L. B. and has departed miDen.ickS0]ny J_ 'A_ Lingle: J. W: tern High school‘ Washingtmi; diS_ . l . . strikingly outhattled. Miserable I make his debut in the legal world. lMilner. tame 30 ft 6 in” Am.“ 267 1913. cause of the return of an ()l(l iwii=i':iiigi mate andsueh l'(3llf]l0llS aw ll|4l('(‘(li perieneing zi lean year on the (li;imon(l but 21 Very fruitful one in inf,<-reol- legiate debating. By winning; from the University of Tennessee iii l(iiex-- Ville, Wasliington and Lee imiilt-.21 OCR::/Vol_018/WLURG39_RTP_19150420/WLURG39_RTP_19150420_005.2.txt Cllhr Tliiltg-£11121 Egfiliii Tuesda_i/'. Apri 13.1915 .Vlct'.tie Mztisliall was 21 Statintoii last I\‘.tiiitlti_\'. T. (1 Waters atteiided £1 tlaiit-e at Atigtista Military Acatleiiij; on last Friday evening. Miss Nancy Peiidletoii has retiiriied to Lexington after a visit to Atl2iii‘tic« (.‘it,y, N. .I. W. H. Diiiilap. ‘<37, oi“ \\'ashing— ‘ton, ll. (,‘.. was in l.e.‘‘COll(‘G. INTERFRATERMITYC ooiircit. to DEAF’! 1915 SCHEDl.ll.E ‘Frat Teams Are Preparing For Ap- preaching Caiiipaigri~—~Mec—tiizg Tonight 1"./.:llov~.'i':i;: in the wake of tlw ‘Var- sitf; season, the intci‘l'i'ateriiity teams are getting; in trini tor the annual caiiipaigii. The Phi Cztninia Delta team got into action against the Lees l')ormitory aggregatioii Saturday and met with defeat, T to 2. due to Cald- \vell’s tight pitching. The lnt€1'.Ti'E1t01‘Illt.:\' coiiiicil will meet tonight to decide about drai°ting the schedule and other matters. The Alpha Tati Omega fraternity intist dc- tend the cup. liavingf won it last year by a series oi" unexpected victories. The various frat teams have virtually swarmed upon the field after the lmeiil -;il' the eievc i ' jlist ol atit.iti<.»nzi_l imittce is v.v;i'kiii§_'i l’12ll‘-Ll :i'o,«l :~.\pet-t.—‘ to‘ ‘ i‘api(lly ; an operatioii For 1 "flit" ll.’lLl(‘Ti"v‘JL‘l]t i'e— . . _ . .1 _, H03‘ 1111:}; to kiioyv (l‘(l~}‘t 'v.‘/l1(> will be }ii'€-seiit, itillll Lll(‘_‘,’ll1'J._\,' be (*I1(‘f>l.ll‘tl.§fLi?li. to ‘i‘(‘tL't1‘n ; ' have ‘ l.S,7)15 comitienccnicm. live :celebritie.~; ‘ as yet’. liittit MEET T0 BE '\"arsity had finished its daily yiractice. At the ineetine toi':i§;’lit. the ll'lil.‘L€‘l‘; of eligibility will also liztve to be con- sidered. ‘next Wediie:~tr.la_v. April 2 4. RING-TUM iiztriirii Atiitiiiii A PLEDGE ?hES Haiiiiia, Ramsey, i‘ll0‘=#/8l'S, Glass and‘ tltheis Will Be Here liiiials in an etl'oi*t to l‘.0(ilZl the .l."9l:3 (‘oni— ll iiieiicenienr. week. eleven i>z'oi1iineiit ziltimiii have pledged their pi'cseiice to the Rl}‘Y11i."1f_*‘l'1{1n1 Altiiiiiii The tbllowiiig have annotinced that; they will be here for Finals: l lVlcCi'tiin, T... R. Hanna. Robert G.l Thach. Flowers. Allen. Rziinst-_\', i'i1_l‘t‘l{. iii the altimni are ‘our. jiziigii to swell tui'niii;: fcI'!’2?.(lLl21t{‘,Ea. (:ll2l.~'g‘(>\\'. Wiiil 'lol'>ei'l 1).‘ t‘hai~les S. Jimmie (‘=tskie. ziieanxvliilc tlie Birrniie_c;haiiil iiig ‘:1 concei'te(l cain— 1 ll1ll.fil:€‘l‘S or’ the re- 3 The 21lT"itl'tl!lC'c‘~l ;ile(lg't~t'l to rettiri to be t't>llm\'eil by a long‘ altiiiiiii. exgiecteil Tlie L't)l‘.'1- ; xv]-l'_,\IE1l'i"t1lIl uesti.lt.~=. ‘froiii att l‘i(le(l tlie ,; The ltii ‘.!:'7‘- Phi will ."cl‘},' weel; iqil liliirils, it list oi" the: individtial alimiiii who inteiid to l'(‘l1l!'ll: ti; i.exiiigto'n for the T911’: (7oiiiniciice—l In this way, it is hoped that” the tiltinini xi. ill be giireii an om‘.-')i'ti.i—. to niiiigrle with their f'oi‘nier I‘«lll!llI’lg‘l mates. Besides the iiledgeil ‘tlicir })l'4_‘:9(‘:llt‘,t‘ at Lb’ ziriditioiial ; l‘.a\'e {?,7lll4)llll(‘£:tl that they? will be here. Hayiic. John” Fltiiiti“. l,ii'::c llttglies, Ilii""" 'l'aj»*loi" and .loiin l). l’l:!,“’Tiii'\I‘. ‘wilt in: rrii toi finals. ‘ r lt“\'{‘1‘. 'i7i’;tiik ll. }_l2i1'LiL'l})2LLt‘ in ilie ~:-yeiits oi Se\»:~ral otliers are :iiitici';>zztiii§2‘ rcttirir ‘ iiigr, lint li_ai.'c- nut riocidetl tleiiiiitely l coiiiiiiittee. I H I The New Nettletori fixfords Are Here Ready for Your Inspection. And they are "thiiig's oi" beatity-” if _v<:n.i ‘are, in the twi- light zone of tmcertainty about footfwear. see GRAHAlVI’S,. The Shoe Man Who sells Hats and Sex Mercer E ’ .lr., VVarren Bi'o\'.-‘ii, James D. 3 t‘ai'tei' Class. ziiitl Fleniiiigl l l l 1 i_:tlbli~=l‘.I ii WAYLAND & GOODALL (Sticcessors to Coleiiiaii’s Drug‘ Store) PHONE .94 THE I’l.ACl5§si’l‘()§GO§l:‘OR Prescriptions Toilet Article: Candies ‘E l.\lorri s Sodaivater Tobacco, Cigarettes and Cigars A full line of High Class 13' z 9 ' ._, . " Morris House MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT . 0.- .,. i‘»‘h:§IDEAL PLACE FOR STUDENTS Specia Attention Given Transient Trade CUTO THE DUTCH INN I-I01: Waffles and Club Sandwiches Rooms for Visiting Girls and Cl*9,pei' BANQUETS’l_‘0UR SPECIALTY For {N BLA(jKsBURGiWe Have the Place 3 We Have the Tables: Traci; Encounter‘ With V. P. I. Set for" April 28 on the Techs’ Field “*‘ l l Since the last issiie of the Ring tum Phi, the date as well as the ‘place’ of the W. and L.—V. P. I. track meet has been chaiiged, and the final at-—: rangements are to hold the dual en- counter Tliis will coiiie as :t disapiioiiitiiieiit to tliose v«:l‘.n il1‘¢l\'t‘ been ‘rookiiig 1"oi'wartl to v.'itiicss—‘ ‘ 3 iii}; the nicer here, but the Techs‘ lield ;is considered to be better than the lo- A LIGHT BILL A3’ unexpected thrill was ex—; ])Bl'l€‘llC€(,l by the members of thei Cotillion cltib during the past week i when its president, T. S. Kirkpatricki reported that he had been presentedl with a bill from Dr. J. W. H. Pol~ ‘; lard in excess of $40 for electricityl used in the gyninasitim during thel past Easter dances. Later it was. ascertained that an error had lieelll cal areiiti and everything‘ points to 21. ‘ faster meet on the Blacksbtirg Cinders. ‘The Techs have decidedly the edge on the Generals as far as work this} spring is concerned, having been \'ic- I toriotis in two dtial meets, the first} with Richmond College on April 10$ and the second with North Carolina A. and M. in Raleigh last Saturday. Int the meet with the Carolina Aggies the; Blacksbtirg boys hting; up some better‘ marks than they did in the first meet and that l and comparing their records with those made in reading the metre L 1 Slightly 1= set by the local athletes in the recent the cost of the lights was over $3. The amount first assessed the C0til— l lion club would furnish lights for the . (.‘ity of Lexington for five nights. i The city pays but $8.20 a night for 1 the many arcs and other electric lights btirned by the city. It was‘ the first time that the Cotillion had: ever received a bill for the use of: electricity at the dances, it was said, and the members felt that it was a‘ case of oVer—conscientious economy. field day, the meet next Wednesday should be closely contested. The Generals will leave for Blacks- burg at one o’clock next Tuesday aiidi will spend that night. in Blacksbtirg; so as to give them time to get in con-E dition for the meet. The entries will probably reniain as announced last 3 week. ‘ 7 l Hagan went to Roanokei to have his eyes examined. . W'. C. lastyveek Curtains, Portieres, Table Covers, Rugs, Sheets, Pillow on Miles Field in Blacksbtirg‘ I Come in and Make Yourself at Home. Lexington Pool Company Go to IRWIN & CO., Inc. FOR Cases, Blankets, Comforts and everything in Dry Goods and Notions. Also for the BEST (/‘F EVE‘RY"_l‘l~lIN(S TO EAT. We are young but that makes its all the more anxious to plcasQ_ NEXT TO MccRti.M’s _ Boys call on us tor anyth rig in the Gent’s Furnishing iLine B. C. TOLLEY & C0. LYRIC at Two Shows Nightly OCR::/Vol_018/WLURG39_RTP_19150420/WLURG39_RTP_19150420_006.2.txt 6 RII\i(}—'l‘l.7IVl PHI ll\lDlANA ‘V Na 3: 51:2 7‘ In “I “- 5"‘/° AS i,..,.I.:3?~ Fully l5,,il€l€i Il7{W3i:it'fl_ ‘=0 ";»’i-we J... _ 1I..ir::~' Will lie A l“1Iii‘g i:"),(‘.-(‘I0 ;I.1u~ e.\'gv<‘-c-‘zarvl I . the \V"‘¥llli];{i(.\ll :.iIia.I-I ‘I:~::<,«wi.:I' ‘hm . '5 ivi;~.1I:ir_;. . ;,f 3..-«Ms; t-r=1iue'-I':vi‘.i;: "ll wili lw tlic " in llI(lI'r.’l"'.‘ LE2 R‘ will 13:2‘. I‘ ‘ ll—7 000 ]i"iJlll(‘ on ill-Jii <3:-.t:* will he _.. we ' Zlll!‘«‘Ii>/.‘|‘. (lll'-“(ii ion f Mi‘ Kills: the (ii (‘micll l‘l;I ..' iizis :44 Jrteil spi*iii~2; I-i :::¢ Irv. "l'hr:- cI>J."il I‘. II1i-'U- (‘i1lC.’€l {lie irse of ‘I»iolZIw I,l(‘i--‘i-":1 in te2iclii;i5.3 his '.vaI'i~i<‘-.‘-. ilic ix 'IIPL!K‘NS DECESEFHN GVER TENNESSEE (‘(mliI:uc:l fix -_I :.:l 1'I'(* most r-rii-.:ieIII :I:I:l had _\' ill tlzc \‘I'0I'l(l. “:Irl!:llL ~.wneI'- , in :”t;IIoliI1:I, _, , II‘l1l'lSylV’.“.2ll2l, _NL—v.' §<-i'.a(-,y and f\lissou.i'i z-,nr,l ca tIll‘.lO(l an zi1'g'LIment t‘~::it all I’-'16- 'x><':i'm,lit:4 -;I£' com- ‘,)etitiIIn Wolll/i I78 e2liiI1iIi;ite«:l l;_,/ this ';:>oli<:y, ii‘ zirlogite-Ii. ,'i,I,i'eiii:1ineIi for l<}1‘II<+st ArI.oi§0lll .;,y;-;'LeIi’I was. He 211‘gIi0d‘rlIat 'I'eb:i1:iII;: and local disci'iminutigI‘Iio:i lml I'm lwtteri SOl'\/lL"' It 1'0ll12liilz3Ii fly-1' Wu:-tli to offer eozi(:'I'etI* :Ii'g1iIiie2its ilw de- merits for illé‘ g'ovei'II'nieiit owIwi'ship. He (le(:laI'eI*.I'- gium, Ai'IstI'izi, S'~5/it’/.ei"Iaiirl and ('3:«,nav-I “M7 7 V H , The Miller Transfer C0.‘ (la with tlios-:~ in the United States. I He also showed that its adoption hyI the Uniter States would produce fist-.211 political and aG.ininis’ri'atiVe evils. l Ai'tz-I- II spiritetl i'el>11tt:il,the judges I‘elld‘.":‘("£l a 2 to I verdict, in l'avm' of’ the llL3§’,‘2lllV'(': ‘Nashi1'Ig"I.o‘Ii and {.00. I The 'iIrlge.< weI'e Jud e I). (1. Webb . 7 Dr. W. '-'. (Iochran and Malcolm Mc- l)eI‘mI.-I I . A (iRllI'.‘(‘ in honor of the two i/.'2I.lIlS was ;Ifi\’i,‘i1 after the .t'o1'seniL (-IIm1Ii1t— ; Ea.~:terbro0l: Hall, which wasl dec()1';1tn(i the colors of" the twol Univeisities. Coach P. D. ‘l‘C, St., Wash.iIz.gi0ra Lee i7rri;:J.=:%:‘siig,i I)i:ll’Al?,TI‘-.IFII\?TS Acaclemir Engine; Students’ Barber- THE COUNTY NE‘/VS Job Office Oppesite Presbyterian Lecture Room Orders Promptly Filled {let It at HEINS ROANOKE, V A. JOHN C. HUTTON. Manager MAIN OFFICE AT LEXINGTON II(‘I’l‘EI. Phone 62 JAMES JACKSON Barber and Hair DTCSSBYISHIREY Experience has made him skillful, He especially solicits the patronage of students, rrdets and citizens. He rvas General Lee's Barber. M. MILEY 8: SON Carbon ‘:3: Studio tr .€an '.~ rtratiirrig Suits _z1"%*I.i'i ‘=NIV .E£Ii~”I"i“i{ SU ?E'E_~‘-‘,’;.I STQEZE 7” EM ‘ I vIc=‘a Q w)‘;\‘e- W .‘ ,, 3 t tit: i .iai.ei I I\./IOD.ERZI IN EVECRY R’C"PEC'f I , Va. I:r.nchl';=ur;;; I :;i:___;_f __:__;_:;A__,:;L ,3, ,_L_L_ ,__ 7 __.:;T__ Virginia Laundry C0. LYNCHBURG, VA. Satisffi-cation Guaranteed. Wash _called for and delivered E. E. I-‘ET'I'IGIll‘lW, Iicivqington Asxent. ‘ Pliuiie 21. At Fir.~t Natioiial B2iI'll( I’:uiIIii'nj: WE IiA‘.7lC EVfEll'tY",l‘IlIN(} THE S'l‘UDET\"I‘S LIKE .\le.I<1lwee- I=las. Lewis Howe \""In. 5x56 Fresh Candies, Fruits IN THE \V‘AY or Cigars, Cigarettes iA11 kinds of Canned Meats l Crackers, Cakes, etc. Come in to see us ;Welsh 82 Lindsay I H.O.DOLD V ITI-IE STUDENTS’ FRIEND $50; 3 Requests the pleasure of a per- 25 sonal interview at his place, _,fCORNER MAIN AND WASHINGTON STREETS. I Lexington, ‘Va. ORGANIZED APRIL 1, 1904 Capital Stock Surplus Fund —' — Nelson street ‘FOP. FIRS'l' GLASS WORK GO TO? Wm, LA‘(‘(-1] \V‘ & L, Smdem , 1 old III" v\\‘. You A ill fivatl iiie F_ rIioL~;'. «'<)il.‘[)lL’L'l assortinoiil of ,Gooc1"J‘hiIigs to Eat, Smoke and Chew. Nothinp; old except the proprietor: I7Ivor_\'thinLr fresh except the clerics. Shoe Shine Parlor HEADQUARTERS FOR STU DENTS. Main Street next Dom? to‘; Telegraph Office. I . ,, , ‘Towels, Bed Coverings, Washstano *5'~’*“d3~V' Hows: 5"0'3‘[l A‘ M‘ .'Supplies. Tobaccos, Cigars, Fruits an("C I " ' " ' ’” i,C0nfeo1,ions. Give us 21 call Fresh Candies Cold Drinks: 9'3 MAIN STREET I Pure 1°C IMary Baldwin Seminary STAUNTON, VA W. HARRY AGNORZ 10” The Up-Town Store I Cream ; Best served; and a \\ e come awaits ‘FOR YOU“; LADIES you at I ‘ ‘ _ Y ‘ V I Term LveginsSept. I1. 1913. Locatedin the Shen- & BR’ VVIV ‘ti DRI: (1 S fOI{E i zmtloah Valley ()§Vl!‘gi?l3. Ignsurpassed climate . . ,,~ ,7 ‘ IJeZllltlfLl groom s am mo ern appointments. BL’ ‘NA V18‘ A‘ \ A‘ Studs past session from 33 states. Pupils enter ' Send for catalogue. "V I _ W [ MISS E. c. WEIMER, Princina I Punting I WPIEN IN STANNTON, VA., ITHE G. D. BLACK i:Washingt0n and Lee Students visit the l ‘Busy Bee Restaurant Buena Vista, Va. i ONE QUALITY‘-VTHE BEST OCR::/Vol_018/WLURG39_RTP_19150420/WLURG39_RTP_19150420_007.2.txt llllCllE{%;“aN BA’l‘S Olll‘ 'i‘W{i iir.ii1sin; ‘.5 ltltfilii E73 Culllllltlctl l'rum ;-: 3 i_5\ —~.,r’fs lH‘l1(l!,“r‘.~‘ ét7‘.r_(i lll‘i£‘,tl i. Io (la ll left field. ii scczticd ;_=;l‘_- ll‘.-(' pellet ‘miailtl _ll';>'l, clear the Fence, lint Sislcg. iiftcr ;., w<»ii(lv>i'l'iil .~—:}ii'in‘. i('1‘=.!ltttl over the iiali.<.aithout :1 hit. In the svcnii hy Bown. lizistiziggs. ;ombincd \\'i th VVolvoi'iiies 1l'11'cc more ‘..llC thiriii, l§r:,ni(iell ‘nirig, (Pall .,4‘l1err netted the ial lies. r'»l|l_‘..’_'l.('Ll. zmrl t’\"«i lii1.»:, Tlie catcher iiilteietl third on an inlield out and stole home. In the -.‘)‘§'0]‘S. Neith~:3r 0:" the two Pierotti in the scventh and eiejhth was -earned. The chunky right ‘.vhii’r'ed. six and gaxe but three bases on balls. Soddy relieved Davidson in the seventh as he showed signs of weakening. Although the little south—‘ paw was hit hard, the Generals could not bunch safeties. W. & L. Young, ct’. Colville, 3h. Gallagher, ss. Bailey, rt’. Rives, lb. Harrison, H. Smith, lf. Brown, 2h. Sweetland, c. Hastingzz, p. Pierotti. ii. “Bagley ;_.a[¢>—-C«3I»Li—*L~Z.,.5».»~.w[\a‘u‘l.,":5 ,.. Totals 30 2 l 27 ll “Bagle_\7 hit for llastings in iifth. AB R H PO A ‘u’ l ' 0 1. 0 ii) 2 0 O l l 5-} l I \ Michigan Sheehy, cf. .lual,ia(lie, rt". McQLieeii, 21>. Sisler, ll’. Brantlell, ss. Benton, c. Maltby, ll). "~‘Valt:/., 3h. l")a\/'idson, 1). .\‘odd_v. p. 0 0 0 .3 O l 0 CC-.2-——~',SC.JlC/.2?/Jr’-—-\'.Il-'—« i~‘.corc by innings: W. & L. Michigan Summary Home run, Brandell, 2; Benton, McQueen to Maltby, McQueen, Brand- ell to Maltby. Sacrifice hits, Sheehy, Sisler, Brandell, Z;G allagher. Base on balls, Hastings, 3; Pierotti, 3' Davidson, 5; Soddy, 2. Struck out, Davidson, 6: Soddy, Z; astings, 7; Pierotti, 6. Hit by pitched balls, Sheeliy, Labadie by Hastings; Soddy by Pierotti. Innings, Davidson, 6, 000 010 001 2 132 060 110 — 14 ~’I‘vvo—base hits, Rives. Young. Stolen hzises‘. 0 .4. hits, 1 run; Soddy, 3, 2 hits, 1 run. ‘ Hastings, 5, 7 hits, 12 runs; Pierotti, 4, 2 hits, 2 runs. Passed balls, Sweetland, 1. Time of game, 2 hours 15 minutes. Umpire, Raftery. University Dining Hall 5/Je PLACE; TO E,AT Meal Hours : 8 to 9.30; 2 to 3; 6.30 to 7.3U Banquets a Specialty. E. A. DONAHUE, Man’gr. errors ~ In stoic l second annl scored on I3’enton‘s single. secmitl, went. tot ’ sixth, :—:i\' ruiis were ;'cgis'Lei'— ed on three walks, three hits‘ and tlirccl rims scorcti oil." hander Hotel Virginia Doulrle plays, l'i’if\X§—'l‘U,Vl lilil Y-é;:« LEE av 7<’)ur I‘v/ir.. . A1 ,}’}€1’S:)Tl?ll :c:.i.‘ter.-ti<;.«n tr.» ‘ii — f T l<—‘.ction zmtl details in iany oi'i’£er mi: may i;:3eas~} led to send. us by 7*'i:i£1ll. I5rt>:n§ ,the display of '54.?‘-lllples ‘ -; T... , , . .. * =cei:"m nia-ob you lniiixy thei Vouiig drove a long liner m.'ei' (,/cnt'ei'; " ‘ E: 5:11: are-c‘;ei: of our Clothes Hats $=‘.‘~‘=(l lia’oertiaslie1‘y. 1 . "1"? 11.5, .—,r\§‘ > 1 1 --..~ Ches'i:nut Street. Wiiizltlelphia Wfifasiiiiigton, D. F. Lemtazey dz 3:0. 1.’) Street and ;».. Diamond Merchants, ]ewe.i.e;rs Siivei‘srniths LPHIAB OFi«‘:ciAi.. ’;4?“}';A’_i‘i*_ii1'.I\.lI’ Siicccssor B“7y'c" 7. - , , ., _ “ ‘ ‘i J1: .i.“r . QL ll: WI ER Hat Peanuts all the time. you Want the finest pins l)’}dde. and llO’\'{‘ltl0S of the best quality. we inalie ’em. Specialists in Medals Prizes L Trophies The Story of Tyewriter Supremacy is the History OOD Winner in All Contests for SPEED,--——»ACCURAUY., STABILITY Next to Adams Express Co’s Office _§ Busy ‘Bee RESTAURANT —oF THE .———— A hearty Welcome awaits you at our - place when in Roanoke, Va. _ V T , H _ g 7 Proved by all International l_\,'E'£)\Vl‘1L8l‘ Records. UNDER VJQOD 15 “File macfeine you wilt »z~:7cntzmliy bug.” 1212 Main Street, Richmond ‘ ‘MOST COMPLETE H OTEL‘ ' l l ALEXANDER 'l‘. MOO RE‘ I'roprictor New Palace Hotel The Horne of ‘W. (E L. amid V. M. I. Boys Staunton, Va. n Beautiful Shenandoah Valley l T triiin HUB Gents’ Furnishings ALL WELCOME W. E. GAF.DNER, Prop., Buena Vista. Va, . . l l i i , . i l ‘, 1 ;Novelties in Hats and Capsi i ..r l I l .:.-n.—a—s...azxs—~ ~. -.— anus-r.. OLYIMFIA CAFE STUDENTS When in Roanoke visit our place—the most up—to—date place in the city for Ladies and Gentlemen. 110 W. Campbell Ave. ROANOKE, VA. Corner Main :m(l:New Streets . STAUNTON, VA. 4 y , l i l l ___,_. i it l Lexington Restaurant; For Ladies and Gentlemen Open All Night OUR SERVICE IS COMPLETE. l l ___ _ T , ‘ T , CUNNINGHAM & SON i l l l Lexington Steam Laundry SPECIAL RATES FOR MONTHLY WASHING Includes Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Underclothes, T0wels, etc. Rates $175 per Month See I-IAL .MAN & POWELL, Studeiit Ageiiis or Phone 170 l 1”, _|- l I Transfer and Livery W Buena Vista, Va. A. H. FETTINU VIAIVUFACTURER OF Greek Letter Fraternity Jewelry 213 N. Liberty Street Baltimore, Md. Factory: 212 ZLITTLE SHARP STREET Memorandum package sent to any fraternity member through the Secretary of his Chapte Special designs and estimates furnished on Class Pins, Rings, Medals, for Athletic Meets, etc OCR::/Vol_018/WLURG39_RTP_19150420/WLURG39_RTP_19150420_008.2.txt H SPRll~ll3- TRAENENG EOE Gl7tiE7liR0l\ilS”E Coach Rafter Will Begin ing for 015 ' ~ Now 5:» 1.. r.‘ \'_.7 in :i';:Eni.i<. 1 I I ;\ l'e;ttiii‘c A-_fl'lLlll'0'i‘. will lie l1‘.'t1Ui,l'.‘»Ct‘(l liill lia,t’te1‘v il<“'C .C )1: ant (‘ouch next There ‘will be 2: ll’ training for the l9l:3 Vasliliigttiii and l,.ee football team on ‘vi/i‘-.~;on }'ie,‘~nl. The .-','e,s'~:,i»)i1 .xl' training ‘Will not he conipulsory for the ,<_>;ri(li1'oiiist.»', but Coach Raiitery feels that the session oi" ~:p1*ii1ej work i xvill be of considerable benefit to thel i,:ridironist.s. The przn.-tticc weeks in the the football teams for the fall sessioni a recent iiiiiovatlon in collegiatei athletics. However ‘*.‘i1‘l;'Ll‘dll_V all of i ':he la1';*Ql' universities have adopted this plan. It has the approval of Coach Walter B. Elcock. “A few weeks of training in the spring will be a matezial aid in con- ditioning the Generals ‘for the stren—‘; uous 1915 season" Coach Raftery 3 asserted. While it will not be com«l pulsory, I would urge all players to report. The football players, who have not indulged in athletics since the close of the football season have taken on weight that is not muscle, but mere fat. If they can report in the fall with this superfluous weight lacking they will be in, much better ‘trim to open the campaign. “It is not only for reduction that the spring training idea has evolved but for the purpose of instruction. The linesmen will be drilled in start-- ing, while the punters will be given an opportunity to get. their toes in ac—\ tion. The gridironists will be taught how to diagnose the plays that are directed at thein, for this is needed as the game is l)ecoi'iiiiig more scientific every year. The mere fact that the players have their mind upon football will serve to make them more ctticieiit for the l9}5 ,e;ame:~‘. ” . SOMERVILLE WILL CHANGE sessioiiz spring‘; ta: \ l(lt‘-.LC-.4 L01‘ tire of tle\'o’:.ing a few: sp1'i'.1},1' to conditioning‘ E 1 James Somerville. .lr.. accepted the position of Head- master and Instructor in English of, the (‘hamberl-ain—llunt Academy at‘ Port Gibson,,\'li.. ssippi For next year. He succeeds W. H. liothroclc. brother‘ of the redoubtable Tom. who .~:i'arred at end for Washington and Lee in 1913. At present Somerville is at the Marrion Institute. M. A. , ’ 14, HAI\JI\lIt IN LAW FIRM Announcement has been made of the forming of the law firm of Murray & Hanna, with otiices in the First National Bank in Birmingham. Fol- lowing his qualification to practice law in Alabama, “Mark" entered in- to a partnership with J. Reese Mur- ray, a prominent. young lawyer in Bir- mingham. BARCLAY MAKESRIIEPORT i The School of Commerce is in re- ceipt. of a report to the Department of Commerce in regard to industrial conditions in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania compiled by D. M. Bar- clay, ’0l. His report found that re», ported conditions of poverty in Penn—l sylvania as the result of the reduction of the tariff were ill—t'ounded. Mr. Barclay is a graduate of the Wash- ington and Lee school of commerce and has distinguished himself in governmental work of investigation. iiiglil. the ‘presiding. ,U!‘i,S_’jllltll , and -ability against. I). . B. Adams against ; ment had lnight, by Dr. (‘harles ' international authority ‘ these ’lt;‘:li;h.e’.‘ti$‘.i' l‘EiFtll.l.S ‘wl’.L'iSl£, :. l3il.‘\'l.1‘—'l‘l}.\l l’l'lI 4 « . l ‘v‘?l.'%Tii i0ETi’o‘ UUTEEERSTS ‘ l.‘ill(’i'€1E‘V S023 irig ‘»‘V1.t:i Rt-utiiie Programs ’i'i.t rs Wasliii'i_:»Jtov‘- Lit(~i'ar usual meet ‘lip’ l’i<:-idciit. ll lTv'.*ltl its mi 1~‘;‘«.ture‘i':iii'i \1‘:a.tiVe succeeded in winning unani- mously the decision of the jU.(lg’C.<,\*,i'l1<)E I“,-leight, F. T. (‘ole an-'l1_ p were W. (‘. ‘N. .l. (fox. ?MUNR.0E SPEAKS ON ‘THE EXPLOSIVES The phenomena of the plosives were unfolded audience in the iniglity tr) (‘X- It lar_«.;'e explosives, and Dean of the Graduate School of George Washington Uni- versity. To make his lecture more pointed, Dr. Munroe made use of several charts and stereoptican views, many of themtaken by the govern- ment at the Torpedo college at New- port and at the Naval College, where he served for several years profes- sor of chemistry. Despite the use of implements of death in the rEuropean theater of war, Dr. Munroe paid but use there. He traced the development of the explosives from the nineteenth century to the present and paid especial at- tention to gun—cotton and smokeless powder. During his lecture, Dr. Mun- roe carried out an experiment, illus- trating the use of the modern smoke- less powder, which he said could be used to great advantage in military‘ tactics and strategy. His addressf passing attention to their was for the most part technical. and besides ad— ‘ ‘. ll chapel last Friday‘ E. hlunroc, an. on the moden -“ties Iriavc Regulai‘ Meet-~ I OUR UODA i‘~‘()UI‘\ll.'AiZ\l. lilIlSlDES RFJING I)ISPF_INr3‘E}R. I ilC.l.(.lU;*«‘. ‘ ‘.‘Jl'r.1t :-tlmrtcuetl by the Zll)S€_‘llijL: ml both t)l'i'2.t:i)'>‘, yet the ‘‘ ‘annon anti ls l 1 1 C :un:i._v, l'{<)(l2': l: L’ >t£tl;1t,‘i;T1<3l“.* IFEEL LIKE I AM. Who is Who? YOUNG MEN Let me make your Clothes. Let me sell you Clothes, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gents’ Furnishings, Trunks and Dress Suit Cases. You will save money. ‘i I don’t charge two prices because you are a stu- dent. It will do you good to know me and buy from me. Come to see me. I. ED. DEAVER Main Street Opposite Court House [LE-é§. §.1,_§I “Your Low Prices Jeweler” Highest Quality 6728 Elexangton Hotellfliw Respectful solicits the patronage of the Student b0 and their friends. J. M. QUISENBERRY, Prop. At GORRELL’S ON NELSON STREET You can have your Prescriptions put up by Registered Pharmacists. . Whitman’s Candy, Toilet Articles. Conklin’s Fountain Pens. Safety Razors, Stationery, Cigars and Tobacco, Fine Soda water Drinks, BIRoIvvNI’s PREISSINIG SHOP THE ONLY STEAM SHOP IN TOWN French and Dry Cleaning for Clothes, White Kid Gloves Hats and Shoes SA’l‘lSFACTION O GUARANTEED Phone us Your Needs, No. 194 All Things Electrical Virginia-Western Power Co. Phone 201 6 Nelson Street