OCR::/Vol_022/WLURG39_RTP_19190311/WLURG39_RTP_19190311_001.2.txt ‘VOL. XXII BY THE. STUDENTS AN D FOR THE STUDENTS WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, TUESDAY, MARCH 11. 1919 INTERFRATERNITY BASKETBALL GAMES 1919 INAUGURATED A. T. O’s., S. A. E’s., K. A’s. and P. K. A’s. Victors in First Round. Contsts Interesting and Many Good Plays Unex- pectedly Executed. On Friday theinterfraternity basket- ball league of 1919 was inaugurated when the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity defeated the Delta Tau Delta's 10 to 6, and the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fra- ternity was victor o‘.'c-r the Kappa Sigmas by the same as the preceding game. Both games were filled with the incidents and accidents that go to make these intcrfre.tei'iiity contests so interesting and while no embyro Var- sity material was to be seen 119011 the floor several pretty (and also unex- pected shots were pulled.) For the A. T. O’s. Wa<'l.<\f.'(-vtli and Jones played the most consistent game Mack scoring two field goals while Shrimp scored one, and follnwegl, the, For the Delta Taus Riley was easily the scar, scor- ing two baskets and mixing‘ himself up in every play. In the S. A. E.—Kappa Sigma game the work of Robert and Sutton was the outstanding feature, each ringing up two baskets to his credit. Robert though only a freshman, showed a familiarity with the game that most of the old men did not possess, and out of four trys at the basket suc- ceeded in making two of them count. ball all over the rioor. (VC:riF’c-iirued on Page 2) ATHLETIC COUNCIL AWARDS MONOGRAMS Seven Monograms Given. Bryant Elected Captain and Young Manager of Next Year’s Basketball Team At a meeting of the Athletic Coun- cil held Tuesday, March 4th, six basketball Monograms were awarded for the past season to the players and one to the manager, George P. Wil- son. The players receiving the W. & L. were: Captain J. R. Fain, second year; M. Graham, fourth year; C. H. 3.1: ain, second year; H. S. Bryant, second year; K. Hines, first year; H. B. Abrogast, first year. The Athletic Council also elected R. H. Young cf 'vVheelerton, Tenn., as inar.aj.»_'c.*' fog next Young i::1s servegl as asistant ma1iagei' for the past year and he has made a spleiniid assistant. He is a member of the Phi Delta ’i‘i:eta frateriiity and the i*’L.n Ribbon society. H. S. Bryant of Houston, Tex., was elected captain for 1920. Bryant played on the scrubs his freshman year and for the past two years has been a regular guard on the Varsity,where his work has been of the highest order. He is a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity, the “13” club, and the White Friar Ribbon society. year. FAIN NAMES COMM FOR EVE Preparations Begin This W operation of Every W. and L Final Ball VVith a ineetiirg‘ of the executive[ C1\l11l'i1liZl2'.‘(‘ fol]owiirQ' the appointznenti of the Various other committees for finals, president J. R. Fain fired the lopcniiig gun of the (‘21l11}‘8.l;Z‘11 for the‘ Finals of 11119. All are (lt't?1‘I11lI’lC(l to make this year’s ball the most mem- lorable and enjoyable in years and the ‘hearty financial and moral co-operation ‘of every W’. and L. man is required to reach this end. "We all l~:1io‘~s: that such a program under e».onomic conditions will cost substantially more than other iinals and only a ‘e in sub;-:i'i;;tions can make it i 1.-c.~l.)l(,‘. \Vith this in inind, President Fain has purposely set ‘i’oi'war(l thcl time for subscziptioncards to be signedj and each man will have practically two} ;months in which to pay his subscrip-i [tion aid should for his ;.~_~ ' 5 every effort to “Give Till It Good." A larger number of Alumni than ever before is anticipated and in order to have plans for their enter- tainment a large sum of money must be given up to that. As chairman of the xecutive Committee, L. T. Brown has been named, with R. H. Young and Lewis musgrove as Vice Chairmen. As chairman of the floor committee, T. S. Jones has been named; J. A. Witt is chairman of the decoration commit- tee; M. W. Paxton heads the invita- tion committee and M. S. Graham is chairman of the reception committee. T. W. Gilliam, E. D. Campbell, L. A. .V1cMurray and G. P. VVilson make up the committee on preparations for the alumni. The conclusive plans will be hand- led by the Final Week Committee, the members of which are J. R. Fain,L. T. Brown, T. S. Jones, J. A. Witt, M. W. Paxton, s. M. Graham, T. W. Gilliam, L. A. Mc-Murray, G. P. Wilson, and 11. preseiit coi'responcling in- ‘(ii .,'.2~‘ )5; AA, T4‘ 1.1 Plans for a Bigger Commencement Under Way——Complete Active Feels V’ ' Ixrirtsi i N13 or FINAL WEEK eek—-Financial and Moral Co- . Man is Required to Make a Success D. Campbell. While a definite progirain for com- inencenient week with dates has yet to be announced it may be expected in the near future and it is certain thati every one will be amply repaid for his , time and money when the final ball of‘ 1912) comes to an end. i Tire full committees as announced‘ follows: , Final ‘Week Connnittse: J. R. lVain,f L. T. Brown, T. S. Jones. J. A. VVitt,i VOLENCTEERFUNIOWT CONFERENCE IS A SPLENDID succrss Forty-five Institutions Repre- sented in Fourth Conference of Student Volunteer Union of Virginia. Oflicers for Ensuing Year Elected. Within the last few days Lexington has been filed to overflowing with the delegates to the fourth annual Stu- dent Volunteer Conference of Virgin- ia. There were 175 registered dele- ;gates to this conference, representing institutions, which is by far the lai'gest number since the organization M’ W’. P,,_Xt,)n’ S_ M_ G,.;,h.(,m' T’ W1 ‘of the Student Volunteer Union of Vir- Giiliain. D. Campbell, L. A. .7\IcMur—l " and G. P. Wilson. T T. Brown,i i7.2:r:cutive Committee: L. and Lewis Commit— ' (‘ll2‘L11l‘.lL1_Y1‘ R H. Young ‘ore, i\iil.'il':lSt I , I». 3J,us,., Vic’:-chairma N. 9 ' V , too: .._i. H< S. . :* :'>r, S. St., Nesbit, W. F.‘ .'. '.,:. . 1. , Harry Babcr,' ». .1, ..“.'yan, J. Patteisoii, Harry Handle ‘, H. D. Jones, J. G. Ball, D. E. Carter. V’. G. Kenip, J. E. Aydelotte, C. Ciic stein. F. C. Stipes, J. R. Todd, G. Iladison, B. A. Davis, E. S. Iiiatri‘ V;-ly, J. J. George, C. W. Nock, . .. Kicker, Harry Roberts, E. W. l"‘.ir/ICHES R SPECIALTY OCR::/Vol_022/WLURG39_RTP_19190311/WLURG39_RTP_19190311_003.2.txt RING-TUM-PHI " c 3,, {_1'. $60_()() BONUS TO BE PAID TO been discharged from the service who‘ SOLDIERS DISCHARGED ‘ are entitled to the benefits of this act, , and while payments will be made asi SINCE APRIL 6’ 1917 expeditiously as possible, it will mani- i I 4"“ '—"“‘ festly take considerable time to write “Section 1406 of the Revenue Act d F b 24 1919 th , d th and mail this many checks.” G T approve e . , ,au orize e‘ ' p payment of a bonus of $60.00 to of—E H ‘ ficers, soldiers, field clerks and nurses} of the army upon honorable separa-! tion from active service by discharge _ \ I ’ __?T0 ___ resignation or otherwise. This bonus ‘ is not payable to the heirs or represen- tatives of any deceased soldier. “Those who are" discharged here- " - I 9 after will receive this bonus on the ' - ‘ l roll or voucher upon which they are _ u paid for their final pay. “Those whahavebeen discharged and have received their final pay without . , _ the $60.00 bonus, should write a letter ' Slnce haVe been dolng Ito to the Zone Finance Officer, Lemon’ Vour fathers, even your grandfathers. Building, Washington, D. C., stating Went to their service since April 6, 1917, the Why cut yourself Off from Sat_ _ . daie 32 1aSttdlS°l;:?”1%et’ha“ddth‘?iT I;;e§- isfaction? Because McC_RUM’S Soda Fountain is en a ress o w 1c ey esire .e1r- Wlth us you See. your man?” In a Class 1tSe]f_ . bonus check to be sent, and enclosing back any Old “me, ]f you Want 1t_ with this letter their discharge certi- 1': fi t 1 t d 11 th . . V ficate or military order for discharge, tirfigal y rs ’ as an a e Because IS the piace Where and both, jf both were issued The begt of everything (ouege you meet your friends, really the social “Upon the receipt by the Zone Fi- men. Centre, nance Ofiicer, Washington, D. C., of Special “shopping Service” for this information and the soldier's dis’ ordrrs by mail. Write for samples Because at there lS alwa J5 charge certificate, this ofiicer will ' ' ' cause checks to be drawn and mailed ROGERS PEET COMPANY Something doing’ to the claiments in the order in which Broadway Broadu ay their claims were received by him.1 at13m S‘r_ “Four at 34 h St, The discharge certificate will be re~i Convenient W. turned to the soldier with the check. Broadway C. rners’ Broadway “It is estimated that at least one at Warren at 415‘? St- munonanda quarter have, NEW YORK cm All,Drug Store Sundries Mccrum gDru2 Co., Inc. G.A.RHODES . sii5vortsmen— L‘°“€ri1I1iD5a1§_@ Fresh Meats At/zletes—Everyb0dy! it You will find ovsrens. FISH aNo;om-zsseo FOWLS ' IN season or , THE‘ RAGE . —‘_'— the au_yw__mund Soft drink’ both . V TERMS—Cash or Strictly 30Xda.Vs unless otherwise agreed healthful and appetizing to train and gain on, Bevo is a splendid beverage to sat- isfy that extravagant thirst that strenuous exercise is bound to bring. Satisfies it without any of 3:26‘;-:ee1ir}tgh of fu11ndes_s kghat “ ., 7 0 Meet Your Friends at D S W1 W3 61' rm n . V » V g T ' Students’ Headquarters Bevo is Sold Everywhere 9'e?i‘*;ram. [L is ‘in to the C :tian church as to v“Ji’l:*T,i‘i&"‘ or 1-:(.=t this program shall be an elevation to Christianity. or a sink- ing tn «.‘.(—2r:p<-1.‘ Ilcpths of l\Iohammaden ii.:,‘:"'l‘2i(lLll i:,.'.. 'l":/~ :’i"st speech Saturday night was ;,:i\' 1; Potent who ‘na:l spoken oi: F‘ri(lay 3ll!!fi')t. This talk was logi- -callf.‘ .: *ontinuation of the one of the night aefore. This time the subject “The "»Ti'.l of God.” Following‘ up tire tlirce principles of the night be- fore he “;;ll(l, “When you are in the will of God it doesn’t at all follow that you are to escape the cross but it does mean that we are to have the peace Chat passeth all un.iei‘standirig'.” And then he asked, “What is God’s particu- lar will for me?” This time the text was from Col. 3:15, which in a free translation of the Greek Dr. Poteat head’, “Let the peace of God be um- _mLre:in your life.” He explained this 5&1 mean that man is to have for his «compass the presence or the absence of the peace of God. The following areisome of the striking sentences of Dr. Poteat which will outline the ad- dress;: “People are in a bad fix if they haven’t a compass, if they haven’t they can’t. plot their course. The will of God is the pole star of the moral universe, and there is a particular will of God for me. If you have no peace W.itlt- Christ you have no compass. Self willlocks your compass. If you are fighting against the will of God the only way to win is to surrenderbecause you are surrendering to your friend. You cannot know the will of God for you as long‘ as you are telling God your will for him.” And in conclus- ion he said, “Your salvation clepeiitis upon our heeding he Su,‘,','£’,"JS‘tlOI1 that soinethiiig‘ is W-'on,a‘.” One of the most powerful addresses of the Conference was delivered on Saturday niglit by Mr. M. ‘T. Kennedy of Calcutta, India, one of the secre- taries of the Foreign department of the international committee of the Y. M. C. A. He told of his personal work among the educated young‘ men of In- dia who have gathered from the best families of that country to the city of Calcutta to acquire an education and his entire speech was a most i1n;.:.es- sive appeal for young‘ men and \\’.I‘.1€T‘l to take up work with the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. in that country. Mr. Kennedy said that the back- ground of India was made up of the 1 following factors: First, the social. distinctions or caste system. Ilinduism, the most fascinatinp: of re-M li_s_>:ions with principles ;g'ed the audience not to be cowards in any‘ way. In closing he said he was talk-, inc‘ about the peril of such cowardice} and laid down the folowing three prin-3' ciples: “To follow Christ we must,1 1. Agree with him as a thinker. 2. Go with him into the heart of the will of God as a personal experience. 3. Join him in his social program. in his prog;ram of service for the World.” ‘Then the speaker asked the audience to unite in prayer and the fourth con- ference ended with the singing of “Where He Leads Me 1 Will Fo1low,”l while the delegates and all present re- mained in the attitude of prayer. RING-TUM-"PHI I l Second ' ‘ January and February Reduction Sale. 20 per cent Off __()N__ High Shoes, Overcoats and Sweaters Come early and get first selection from a big stock of up-to-the-minute patterns and styles that appeal to the young men This Reduction is for Cash Only TOLLEY Q MEEKS 6/2e Shop Of QUBJHY KNITTED TIES are the things now. We have a nice line. Drop in and look them over. F Cobb’s Pressing ‘ Shop Cleaning, Pressing, Altering and Repairing We need your work. All work guaranteed. We call for and delive WE ALSO DYE TO LIVE. -._:.—— PHONE 194- MEET YOUR FRIENDS 61' Lexington ‘Poet éCompany’s» STiJi)E.tV.l.'§TS’ WiN'i'ER RESORT The Beanery Board $20.00 per month