OCR::/Vol_031/WLURG39_RTP_19271012/WLURG39_RTP_19271012_001.2.txt Trim The 'T.i'ger’s Claws gs . VOLUME XXX] eoiiii i.‘l?‘*"i” /" irrguy .3 3 » v‘ lib 1 ‘ii. “R ii UVEL mi... :3 (‘«(‘!i(‘!‘11l.s‘ (‘~-needed To Have Great (\,np<:rtuiiity For A Win Over Princeton. \. (‘ When the 1927 Fighting Generalsé field against the Princeton l'lE‘Ll;l1(‘1‘ stadium this Sat- ‘=:-e with the confidence they have a great bringing a triumph Black hack to in urd::,v it will of l.:no.vin;;‘ llriat ()]‘;;i(>‘:“l1‘.71l-‘y of eye: the "}i':iii3_:e and the Old Dominion. Never before have the prospects of the Blue and White to defeat the Big Three cham- pions, been as bright. In 1925 when relations were resuin- ed lietwc-eii the two institutions Kay Thoinas led the Generals in the bat- tle. J.l‘ihough playing the Tigers even football the invaders lost out on the brealcs and came l»: l: (‘[1 the short end of a 15-6 score. Tl'iai: year marked the first appeai‘ai'ice in the Blue and White lint-up of “Horse Tips. and “Babe” Spotts. Both gave in- dications of what was to be expected fi‘oni them in the future l"-y gztining mention in the New York papnrs as two of the s‘.,2ii':'. oi’ the VV. & L.-Prin- This was a remarkable tribute when it must be reinenibered that tliey were playing on a team with such stars as Kay Thon-.a.;, Tex Tilson, l‘.iaynard Holt, Mike I’:-ilmer, and Ty Rauber. Last fall the Generals went up to’ the Tigcr’s lair with considerably less confidence. A new coach was con- fronterl with the problem of bi,iil(liiig‘ a. ‘train with oiil_v five letter men as a In addition to this they weie up against an experienced and "(‘1t‘U.i Ti;:er outfit which was ex- pected by ci‘ities to be the greatest team (Bid Nassau had been represent- ed by in decades. This fairl._V inex- {‘.(“.l(§}1i"(3(l Blue and White 0l€\‘(‘:)1, led by Ty R€1tll)Cl', went up east and staitletl the football world by play— ing the yeti,-i"aii Tigers off their feet to zi tie. The Generals: at-served to win, but for the second year breaks kept them froni it. The final whistle lil-zaw ion! as, Babe Spotts had r~na1'0(l Raul»! . s pas;-‘ on the l’rinc:. ten two yarrl line and Ty was all ready to era:-uh ihru with the winning: touch- down. The ;;aiii,e brought 1‘_ll-Amcri- can niention to Tips and Spotts who ceton game. nut-leu.~.. 7.7 also stari'ed. 'l‘l;is year conditions have changed. The Gei\:i'a':s will take the fielil with iiiii,-—up including Tips, Lott, l~‘it,:patri<-l<, and Dorsey, all of in last y-:ai"s en- other hand the their great star with Dan (Taulkins, }‘reiId<-i';* st, and pea:’.iv.- entire line. ljut Pill I<1i:-per lint) put to¢,>;cthei‘ another SL1()i;;;‘ 11'i:‘.(‘l1lI1\‘ that will l)'.‘t‘.1’ plenty ef watchin,<,r. The baclcfielil is built aroun-.l li«'7l'11x"l‘. a seiisatioii of the l:.i:;L part of la:-..*, year's season, and Ed Wittniur, a line—-plunginyg sopho- nioie and Princeton’s All- Anierican Al Wittnier. Their line is wznposetl inainly of graduates of last ye:ii":< (‘l1Z1111])l('II1!~il"li}’) fresh- man teaiii with Captain Moeser on one end and another letternian, Law- ler, on the other flank. This line makes up for its inexperience with great weieht and speed. This year this intersectional strug- gle is scheduled a week later than l1e1‘:‘t0f1’)l'i‘,, giving both schools inoi'e of a chance to hit their stride and go on the field in mid-season form. A coinparison of both teams, records to date compared to last year’s brings out the fact that both appear to be even stronger. Last year (‘U131 opened with a 14-7 win over Amherst, while this season it was 14-0. Satur- day the Orange and Black swamped Lehight 42-0, the highest score a Tiger team has run up in ten years, while last year they only managed to eke out a one point victory, 7-6. However it was an entirely different Le-high team in Palmer stadium last Satiird y, with no veterans and four regulars on the injured list. The Gen- erals coinmence(l by running up a 26-2 score against Lynchburg while last year the count was 35-0, Two weeks ago they played VVest Virginia to a (5-6 tie. Last year the Mountain- eers triumphed 18-0. i a vctei':1zi Spotts. Groop. Fish 2', whom :y\'ii stars’ Mond:iy . i. pecied to sh} nc -(mil. Rm-_v ii:=. line against each ..=1?wi' 3,4; lait ‘;,h<- lid on! VV. and Us ini.:'21-in1.ii'-.l .ootI;~ali sea-. :§i)I'i. The ".i.ip0i'vi.=.ioiW the lfirg'e.st n'.ii'nl‘.cr the has U.1‘i(l<:l‘ i\g.,4} M: AV'u\. VJ (,‘oiniiierce 9-IU?“l oi‘ CUzi<‘_."i oi“ i1i\_=Ii and ap- Assist- pears to 1..«.~ a, likeljv \.\'iI’I*1i‘l- ‘ {'}encr:ii:: ant. Coach !rlCll‘r:(‘l‘ of ‘fin: }-.-—,g 5-}1a1'gi* of tlie Law scliol-i‘ squad and is 1J(‘11-I-'. <1 l)1§I ;i-ban‘. s».V'if met The men are practicingzj e';ei'v :ii'tc:‘— noon, but as yet have ‘nan. time trials. In fact their [ii-st time trial will be the race over l)‘.1kc’s IN; ,‘-‘i‘\ ;:—iYi‘il4.= (.‘ULlI'S(‘. Out of the six i]1:'i"i ho are cr.i'?,-air) Lo inakc. the tiip, !'~.iir :1:‘’_‘ better inch. The]; ;i1'»'t City: El Naiice, Built-i‘, and and Bailey, both of wl1o.i: in.;>l>1I.l‘;l} ’;i»l:‘.,"l('i;' ihr» s< hm: not :~.'on V .\o liour <2! i'eiiuoi.i.~; we V»'i’<‘.\’.l ‘l takeii piacv as are iiie:-«:pei~ienccd. An excellent schedule has been ar- ranged, pending the action of the Athletic council, which meet some time in the near tutiire. The Varsity season will probably open with a non-<‘<,iil‘ci‘ence .'i1’.‘C’t about l)(“ilL'1Yll";(‘1‘ ll), with the purpose of giving the new and lili-Xi‘i'lL‘l1C(‘(l men a taste of real competition bel'ore the 5. ciiing of the coiifeience season. Tlic. date for the opening of the fro:-zhinzin st-asoii llf:1[< not yet been dc~‘.e=.':iiin:u'l. Coach Mathis states that all new men have excellent chances, as some five or six places on the Varsity team are open. Therefore he urges those interested in wrestling toturn out at once, if they are not already on the squad. will Men out for the Varsity in the various classes are: 115 lb., Holland, Gresham, and Kline; 1-5 1b., Nelson, Thompson, Hutchinson, and Gold? stein; 185 1b., Kelley and Davis; 145 lb., Hopkins, Paddock, Sidney, Garvin, Tyler, and Hall; 158 lb., Tully, Sper- ry, Countiss, Evans, and Glass; 175 lb., Chamberlain and Borland; un- limited, iolton. This number will be increased at the close of ball season. At present .the only man on the who has had any considerably the foot- Bolton is Varsity squad experience in in- tercollegiate wrestling but with a WASI>IING’.l‘0N AND LEE STUI)F.N’I‘S. ma..- B Y T II It‘ ....in-. -w::.- .1‘? ""‘ Than liaett 211 More Professors Year; 28 Courses or Sections Taiighi. lCi,c;lit The student body at Washington and Lee. now totaling 870 men, prc-I «,<~nt.—: f“.’(.‘i1 a more cosmopolitan as- pect than it did lart vear. Thirty- oirnc .¢=.t'at.i.~': are i‘r>pi'e.sr-iit<5l.‘;!‘i".'< ‘ "l‘.I;iiylaiid FOR THE UNIVERSITY. uA‘.)ll 7 li.-‘'' E U N ‘l S l U91 .( IWKTL $£tZI.’.V.§@3,EU.EL‘.'AE/l!E!l§‘."B.£L.‘.‘.7."li"'..‘IIx. L‘ .0 El 42,21: 2%; \./ 4/ 5...; 4., O 1/; ./I “V : .s3§rirf'ii.l the 3 ! «v I J. I<‘red I9l;:s2ii'_y who will -pr-al-: at l';ii\'ersii.v a('l' man. C<'T1v‘ ‘.:i'ib1itor to ii'iae:a7.in<=s, and author. liis latest l’;<»ok “Co\e,rin.-: Wa.sl'ii l1(: Tl1l’~‘. joui‘iial3st’:-‘ cliib. activities oft W.‘-is-‘liin-:-.'tuii. of which he is }>1‘('S5l§l1lI1;‘,'tl)i‘1 and Lee, griving a grandl itotal of 211 sections. These figures great number of school. sei've to show the held at this _iv,_(), _. clas All Generals’ Future Q1;-ponents To Be in Action Saturday. All of \Vasliiiit;:<)n and I.ee’s fu- l.‘.i1'!.* opponents will see action this and many con- .]l(*L“-.l11’(*S can b drawn as the results While the G-:>.nei':ils are (‘!'l_I’21,£!‘il1L‘ i"riv,icct,on ' -nc game, the pl2i_viii;: in eoni'=s' Sou (',(Ii‘.1iiI_L' Saturilay, of‘ ths-so c:ni'l:es=t" in a non —-* or- five rivals 1v .5 lollfli, have a on ‘ 4 i7(‘:‘;1‘l1‘.L{ on the tli-::i‘n Con"ei'L'*ncc the faculty of the law- ~ l} T ,ability \\l1l(‘h tli/iv’ His latest niagazinc coiit.i'il.nitions “Political Frophci ~ics” ()1 TH‘ I-":-public, “S:‘,iio_’.or Borah“ i-i the New .., n the London (Eng) “Goodby England” also in the .’E‘pe<'t,a- ‘or. Nil‘. ESE‘f\l'}’ \vas born in \V:::>.l:l ll’ ,- and was L2(lLlL'2lll‘€l I-eiiry (ollege. ’_‘X1’1‘l(‘)’iC(’ Tenn. in 1%‘ l~Iir;:iiy an: ;"xr~-at neivtv 31;):-1‘ in the New tepublic, “Senator Borah’ inaik. T‘::.- Baltiniore lflllil s:~r.t is) I‘ \lYII'lll,’: the W<=‘.‘l:l Throughout 1926 he served Iio. dv .; i.;‘.‘.- \ spoiident and hr» now the I‘§un’~= ‘~/v'ashiii_sr,ton ‘M ..p<.nI1'clll_\’ sLi'oii;r. the s elilllilillflf :1 ‘..ic9or_\' :ivi:i‘ No lwliig uiid-'A1'eat<~(l ‘cF='~ fzir, and‘ id l.iii.-i'.~t hat" l']<‘ (‘r ~ r_".y«.- over.vhelni— lii:";' iii": to oflfsct its‘ ,—=i:i'pi‘i:'iii_~_: :'.etli;i£'l< at the hands ofl .\§o~~‘ili (7.ii‘oliiia last Satui-da_v, score 7-6}. ‘,'l{‘l,<‘-i‘i(‘.-l to ll...‘ ,. S(‘Ll>T1(l only to this game comes the one :it Charlo’.tesville when V. M. I., _ ..t::, V11‘-.1‘l!1ld in their thirt_v—second minual eiicotiiizici‘. V. M. l. boasts: of its sl.i'oi‘.gest club in recent years: and i:= out to :i\'en;_=;i_-, the r Win‘ ’ tin . ii v . or.-t:‘ei' tliari they l last ysar. &‘.7E‘.l pw.~'.<<,":=iA rtr. ’.l".€‘ Liz» -1 . ‘:= ?‘.“i{‘I1lli:I’}' the el:=‘-.-- “M ic.-.1: \»l' 'l‘li:,- .‘1,iin 3°.’-‘itflilll lei‘ y:-,:1i' ‘-‘iii Fl‘i.|l,l=‘1‘1'l .1‘: 1-»: mi say, “mist l'(’,'_"*l\'L”l i1lcI'll'lHl’: :ill—.‘.i‘n lbw, ‘.‘l111'i(}‘..‘.‘» -.:i:i1<-rial. ‘tfiil those» ”:lI( ‘C :; CO1‘ “.‘¥potLs in c -1l(1(‘1‘-Jfl in the Fvoiitli, l1{1‘.l‘ll;.' vi-'ii"l‘/.’l «- in ieot.,~all. ' iioxiiig. and ’ lie, >¢l‘t‘I}\‘:‘« .e.; froni the air iliat rir-vz. ‘.‘(=Ul+l evun ioaclx. I:§e:-'.i«le~s , “e player. he is un- equ:—1le;i:i_-cii :31.“ ;>«>i.sniiiiiig, g' ‘re, and his un— l7f-‘ai'_:ii=1,‘;, playerl most :‘.2;ll and scor-':jt?{'()I1(l .i.'iii:iiiig toi.,ieli»‘I\'x“z‘.i‘s‘,=. oi’ Ca‘,'itaii’i :‘-_n«§ his i1tL:;\l\' til: ' ‘we-i‘:\ malii-S. it ;‘,‘l<‘l‘;,‘ rxannot hr) given to Ilowe for the satiii ‘ .1‘ :1 I" ter - him i ,, ’;{‘l‘(‘3:}i‘.'C and alert iiotable especially in the i; ‘.T”1.~‘ one of the finest cw. r played, and iced by autlioiitiei '~.’»'I‘il" it co:itiiiue~ii.i:,ii. l.-axe a backfield this :1.ll.*'iVi‘.xi2.’»‘C.I‘: deteihiiiied . ’—?zimes—Passes Feature. with a punch and drive that is fairly iries‘-gibihle. The passing combinations Lott to Spotts, Lott to Howe, and l‘lt»'.‘tXl‘1‘iS to Howe were function- ing with precision and of the 15 pa- ses nine were completed for a total ;‘f2ll1‘- of 98 yards. The Duke gridders (‘uiind the secondary defense of the Geiiei'als’ well trained and always alert, and could complete but 1 of 7 aLioniptel)1l'.lLL‘C of ;:i'r>!.ip ;,ipp~‘-.:vei‘e:ti{ and dawn. In there a peopl. that could withstand its wiles? Are there l l K men who could L~'l’ltii: its en'tir:enient‘.~’ Perhaps there are, west of; beyond, but not at Washington and Lee. And when the week’s ‘ ' ‘ " ‘ I 1 "ii . . . l work is fint:-snett ane. LCUIOIIS tasks completed, no wonder smooth,~, humming speeclsters turn their bows and glide toward fairer; realms. All for an autuinn moonlight. Freshnz.ait-Tfzriiis--— Thrills-«A "7 4 .. rat ' The Cr Once upon a -¢"=rr_ Ir‘:":~:’ trusting, innocctt‘ 3: = ; AI"ter hr hail l:~ .-5 several tlajvs or]-W o: ”'‘;s;-:,. him anti -;iUl)llt)'l illil, " " Tlii"}l.-'— =" ls ,, l!.,.(i fiL*‘i'itn\‘, of 1’ ‘Vi’ btitmiiie :1. hero. Bi Eat-lg.‘ phtme In oretl lotully l4‘i' 2' our yoting lIt*l‘(,: ., sleeper aznl so it \‘:‘''1 one of the lo‘.':ll_\‘ tip; was requii-mi to t:i‘dv.i ii" . « Of a seolt. (lo\':n.‘.' ‘ow: .'».s.'f self to the ,~.h.»vi;=. steD:<~”'l“ie>lini:1n " Iii. 'Wt:'I!~,’ "--wttiid-— ed hai'shl;,' t2],=<,- u<.;‘_3' .1 *1»: ear, v.) 3’t'r>les- tit’ ll(*'.'t)i:‘», 7’: .’ Ii:,:LaiZI‘?. 'V“' I: -,. =' 1 1”‘_§,’=-ihfit E.‘ T\K'(?IlI\'—iil Vi‘ 17.x fl Ill‘*..‘ \'.'(7‘t‘i for pom. >lE.4 on the l'..?Z7—2t ness staff of the =_":.a;i'\', a,cc,cr do something for a professor. Put«’. l‘i'o‘i'csso1‘ X entered. “Ah—so you 1 < l as‘ ‘ are tlie goat the Gamma Gamma boys , You’ve got an easy i,;:»i) this time. The wife and I are geiiig to church. You watch the ':1,i)fC and if he crieséjust pat him on Fine. \ liacli.” : I’l;i_viiig nursemaid~-so this was o.ie oi’ the mysteries of fraternity ilife. iii-‘$309 Now Raised For Class Bridge The assembly this week marked the :‘»(‘(‘t')l‘(l appeal to the students to sub— _3 "”’W. AND YOU HAVE A GRAND GAEFEST M/[TH ALL THE OLIO GANG YOU HAUEN'T SEEN SINCE L95 YEAR. /'wu.‘~{' now? ‘ “-’“§// 4 E E l(L0, AL,How'5 /ggfigp 70° V R ~ CALL Pi /L3 Am) SIWASH scorzes A Touc:-e~ .1>owN BEFOEE THE GAME )5 Am’) Ti-2.~?i\I you SUODENLY Disc-ou.-Er: >’ou'v::« SMOKED 7/gum 14;’) MKKE KENDALL GNES V00 ODDS 1 \/0:)‘,-QE ON FOR A HLJNDRED. 'Tl-ILS :5 THE- DAY l GET EVEN ? . Ann so ‘THE marl )5 (;‘TTER)__\{ RLANED, ’ want it to serve. You can think and . ATTA emit‘ SIWQSHJ . 4’ \‘ ,-vS’ 3:. ‘C; ’'%/l, /2 ’.t_- NHNUT 5 OLD %Wg@W LA.:3T C»‘;..£> tit-o:..t: AND CAN'T GET Amy r./24,.”/E:z=_ ’T'l.'.L You GET‘ «;Hi,5 35 THE ROTTENEST TEA!‘/\ -may EVER HAD.*rHeY BE ‘TER GET A NEW COACH 00;; ,c>i.A>'~\iAssAR ¥.i___r I. 7726* 5222005/tar oi 4‘. cl .....Il0i“; Ciigerafie cough in a 1927.1’. Lorillard Co., Est. l7fi0 R. L. Hess & Bro. Watchmaliers and Keys fllade, 'I‘ypei;riters Repaired Jewelers Next Door To Lyric Theatre ACME PRINT SHOP __I<‘0r__ QUICK SERVICE In First National Bank Building Phone 146 Lexington. Va. IRWIN & <:o., Inc. Everything In DRY GOODS & GROCERIES Specialists In QUALITY, SERVICE & PRICE No Matter llow llluclil XOU KNOW OINLX SO MUCH AS YOU I{l‘iA’II‘lI\’II§I‘:I{. Your mind will obey you just in proportion to the requirements you place upon it if you Lrive it a chance. You ean al\\‘ay.-* remember if train your mind to serve you when an ' ‘ ter and clearer with training that will tal ut a few minutes of your time. Prof. M. V. At- wood, formerly of the N. Y. College of .‘\‘II‘I-1 culture at Ithaca, now Editor of Utiea Herald- 1 Dispatch wrote: “I have all memory courses‘ and yours is best of lot. You owe it to the’, public to publish it in book form." In re—: sponse to this and other demands this course has been issued in a handy little volume to fit your pocket and the cost is but Three Dollars postpaid until December when Five Dollars will be the price. LIFE AND HERALD. Johnson City, Do you know why‘) If you don't, you should learn N()W- at, once. One reviewer has s:1i(l: “When Dante went to Hell he must have steered clear of the roasting apparatus ' remained for Dr Sauabrzih to intere: and fearsomely describe the nether reg .." Over 2,000,000 have read it. VVhy not you? N. Y. . One Dollar postpaid. W. J. THOMAS Meat Market Quality and Service Phones 81 and 288 I-lARLOW’S PRINT SHOP No. 8 JEFFERSON ST. FOR THE BEST PRINTING SPECIAL A Good I.-P. Student Note Book For 30c.—Filler 10c VISIT The Gift and Art Shop Mezzanine Floor Robert E. Lee Hotel MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT POOL COMPANY EQUIPMENT UNEXCELLED l HAIVIRIC :8: SMITH JEWELERS (3(,‘.«I.LI<}(}I:I- JEWELRY Opposite New 'I‘h=.-atre Lexington, Va. .;......__...._...._...._..._.._...._..i And Let Frances Hamilton Help You Select That Gift CENTRAt . RE THE FRIENDLY STORE TO.‘li 1*2I(".E. Prorietor ’l‘().‘\S’l‘liD S.\I\'l)WI(‘IIES DELIVERED AT ALL HOURS DRUGS SODAS CIGARS Sole Agents VVhitman’s Candies Phone -11 I? \V. Nelson St., lil.lILlllL._li‘<;a’3".d‘li 'l;U;'i§l.t§.l1@ill_l.l Lexington, Virginia CAFE REGULAR MEALS All Kinds of SANDWICHES and SOFT DRINKS Prompt and Courteous vice at all Times A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU In Central Hotel Building N. Main St. Ser- Lexington. Va. .3’. ED. DEAVER & SONS Friends To Everybody Featuring FASHION PARK AND MICHAEL- STER 55 SUITS AND TOPCOATS MALLORLY & STETSON HATS BOSTONIAN SHOES Get Your Fall Outfit At D A.V E R ’ S OPPOSITE COUIZT HOUSE ' PHONE 25 OCR::/Vol_031/WLURG39_RTP_19271012/WLURG39_RTP_19271012_003.2.txt wdepar-‘tment, in ialilé,‘ I‘-5.i.;;;.;Ii"c:i1i{.IT“ Will Be Revived Word has been received from Pro- fessor Thompson that the Lee Blue Pencil club. a journalistic society or- ganized under his leadership last year, is to be reorganized shortly, with the purpose in view of securing a charter from the Sigma Delta Chi fraternity, national journalistic frat- ernity. Correspondence is being carried on with Mr. Lawrence Murphy, of the Illinois School of Journalism, presi—“ dent of the fraternity, to secure re- quirements for the charter. Eight of the originial fourteen charter mem- bers are back in school this year, BRIDGE WORK ‘ BEGINNING TO BE NQTICEABL . First 3Ionth’s Labor Indicates Com- pletion By December 13: Plan To Pledge (‘lass Of ’3l. After more than a month’s work work on the new Memorial Bridge ‘the engineers’ labors have begun to .bear fruit in a noticeable way, and the structure has every indication of being completed by the appointed date. December 15. l Last June in a general assembly ‘I the entire Student Body pledged $25,-‘ Sophomores Elect 1 Atwood Sec.-Treas. I I , The first meeting of the Sophomore class was held last Thursday night in }Newcomb hall. H. L. Williams, ‘president Of the class, opened the ‘‘meeting with a short speech of wel- ;come in which he expressed his ap- iproval of the large percentage of ‘sophomores present. I The first business attened to was i the election of a new secretary-treas- urer in place of W. P. Vinyard, who failed to return to school this year. ,.T. C. Atwood, of St. Louis, Mo., was ‘unanimously elected to fill the 3 vacancy. President Williams then announced and they will inuoduce the Societyi 000 towards the $40,000 Ii:-ces-sary for ‘ the plans for the annual Sophomore by publishing an issue Tum Phi at some time in the near future. ____0___._ Nine Men Work For Managership‘; ‘$5,000 has been paid. This entire ‘sum was paid to the contractors on | October 1, as the first payments, and ithe next payment of $5,000 falls due ‘on November 1. In order for the I next installment to be met the pledges _due September 20 must be in before Football training has now been in swing a little over five weeks andg during that time, as well as two months last spring, there have been nine men who have given faithful and invaluable service to the team but who have received comparatively little recognition. Too much cannot be said for the Sophomore managers. Under the personal directon of Junior—Manager George Lanier, these men have worked steadily from the first call last April and will con- tinue to do so until the team returns from its Thanksgiving engagement at Florida. At that time the Athle- tic council will elect one of their num- ber to serve as junior-manager next year and progress to senior manager in 1929. Though the recipient of this coveted award will receive his just compensation, all of them will be re- membered for the exceptional service they have rendered their team. These nine men are: L. F. Powell, Jr., Albert Stoves, III, W. P. Battle, Jr., H. R. MCElwrath, J. A. McVay, R. W. Davis, W. T. Beard, Jr., R. B. Justice, and David Moreton _____0MM_ Class In Eugenics Makes Discoveries In the spring of last year a group of men studying the science of eugen- ics under Dr. Hoyt made extensive and conclusive discoveries in the trai- ing of certain families of low heredity in this county. The Lexington VVelfai'e attempting to wipe out prevalent poor conditions carried on investigations which were confirm- ed by the findings of Dr. Hoyt’s rs- search class. Members of the class traced the genealogy of families that rival the famous Jukes and Kallikak families in the number of drunkards, moral perverts, criminals and degenaratcs. Men and women were found whose minds were so feeble that they were unable to meet the requirements of the first grade. As a result of these, and similar discoveries, persons have been isolated and placed in institu- tions to assure a discontinuance of that time. According to reports from Mr. Verbon Kemp's office, only $300 of the September pledges are in. The classes represented in the bridge fund are from 1927 through the class of 1930. This leaves the present Freshman Class, that of 1931, Out, and plans are being made by the committee in charge of financ- ing of the bridge to include them. This will make the Memorial Bridge then a gift of five classes: ’27, ’28,, ’29, ’30, and ’31. There will be a‘ bronze tablet for each class on the railing of the bridge, and a sixth. tablet in honor of the Student Execu-i tive committeemen who were so in-‘ strumental in making the bridge a realilty. According to figures received from the contractors, the Luten Bridge‘ Construction company of Knoxville, Tennessee, the bridge when completed will be 550 feet long, and 68 feet high at the highest point. The structure“, will clear the railroad tracks 28 feet: It will be 12 feet wide, with 9 feet of solid concrete, and 3 feet of cin- ders for elected and spiked shoes. Mr. Horace Peaslee of Washington,,: D. C., one of the Nation's foremost; landscape artists, and Washington; and Lec’s official in that capacity,‘I makes the following statement in con—i nection with MeInoI'izIl Bridge: “Thel proposed bridge connecting the atlile-‘, tic fields and tennis courts with the: main University grounds at Washing—‘, ton annd Lee University will be the, longest and highest foot bridge in: North America. and b_v far the most. beautiful.” _____M,()?__ ,__v, E Angry Motorist ~—-(after grade—E crossing accident): You Engineers‘, must think you own the crossings. Irate Engineer: No, but some of: you motorists drive as if you owned‘ your cars. i2"“PENcIIs wIIII NAME assorted colors. high grade No. 2 black lead, postpaid. Czlses for six pom-iis, l‘vlorom-0, $1: leather. Tfic: imitation leather, 50¢-. I.Il“IC their rapid growth in number. ————0 File Applicants All seniors who contemplate re- ceiving a degree of any kind, or a certificate in the School of Commerce should file their applications with the Registrar not later than October 15. Application blanks may be secured at the Registrar’s office. h , When a woman first learns To drive a car, Shema ynot be nervous—— But her neighbors are! The Rockbr Buena Vista, Virginia I PROGRAM PRINTED IN GOLD 60c AND IIIQRALD, Johnson City, N. Y.‘ Of the Ring‘ i the contract. and of this amount only Cotillion which will take place Friday ‘night during the Thanksgiving Holi- days. Chairmen of the various com- ‘mittees appointed are as follows: Finance committee, R. K. Sutherland; Reception committee, T. C. Atwood; Inivitation committee, F. G. May, Jr.; Decoration committee, Howerton Gowen; Music Committee; C. R. Van Horn; Refreshment committee, A. S. Wagner. The president requested the co- operation of the entire class with the finance committee when it starts collecting dues next week. These dues will amount to six dollars, a man and with the three dollars re- quired of each freshman who attends the dance, are expected to defray all the expenses. All other students will be admitted free. THE RING-TUM PHI .'i|l||lI||l|iIIll£?l|\E'2l|I|||| l|l|I?JlE||| Iilllflli IIIIIIIHIEZIIIIIIIIIIIII||H|\S||||||l||||||||3|\El|| I PRINCE TON .3 —For— DERBIES CA NES, ‘ PAGE THREE GRAHAMS and GL OVES This Week PONY SKIN COATS FLAMING YOUTH PAJAMAS W. WAYLAND-GORRELL DRUG CO. INC. NORRIS and NUNNALLY’S CANDIES & L. STATIONERY 1 '3' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK LEXINGTON, VA THE BANK OF SERVICE—STUDENTS WELCOME COMPLIMENTS OF ROCKBRIDGE STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 185 PAGE’S MEAT MARKET Phones 126 and 426 AGNOR BROS. ‘, Successors to VV. Harry Agnor Staple and Fancy Groceries Phones 36 and 76 NICE PRINTING AND NO OTHER At The County News JOB OFFICE Students’ Printing Invited Opposite Presbyterian Sunday School Room, Main St. LEXINGTON, idge Theatre F1/IEIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WEDNESDAY, OCT 12 Buddy Rossevelt In “THE DANGEROUS DUB" Also Comedy 1-'£li\!-'1ll|l|||||||ll|l THURSDAY. OCT 13 Dolores Costello In “A MILLION BID” Also Comedy ' 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFIIIEZIIIIIIIIIIlllll FRIDAY, OCT 14 Ronald Colman and Vilma BANKY “THE NIGHT OF LOVE” Also Comedy SATURDAY. OCT 15 John Gilbert and Renee Adoree In “IVIONTE CRISTO” Also Comedy Music On The Robert Morton Pipe Organ By Miss Sarah Jennings ohnwaifl texts Shoes IWCOEPORATVED Ci IBG. U~I.’A'l. 0''. New Fall Models Now on Display at Stetson D, Robert E. Lee Hotel $7 to $9 olm and eI\’sS oes mconron/n'ED ~ BEG. U. 5. PAT. on. Stores in New York, Brooklyn. Newark, Philadelphia & Boston. Address for Mai] Orders, 191 Hudson St.. New York City McCoy's Three Stores FRUITS, CANDIES CAKES And All Good Things To Eat J. W. Zimmerman LEXINGTON, VA. Graduate Optician Registered Optometrist THE DUTCH INN A GO-OD MEAL Rooms For Parents, Visiting Girls COME TO .:\V;_!lI_ll|@|1l!S\Ir?-.!|llll ulmtmziumun ' I I :.1nIIIIInI"III.?I\.T:IIIIIIIIIIIIIII; I ’s The Main Street Rendezvous For Students Drinks, Drugs, tligars, Cigarettes, Sandwiches, Candies, Magazines, Newspapers Football Scores Received By Wire Results On Bulletin Board "WI}M||M||||WNE|||l||||||HflIh EilllllllllllllllifilfillllllIlllllllll. and Chaperones Wide World Gift Gifts for Every Next Door Dutch Inn PHONE 532 RAPP MOTOR COMPANY Night and Day Service General Garage Service-—Storage Shop One 1863 JACKSON’S The Barber Shop With OPPOSITE NEW THEATRE WEINBERG’S VICTOR and COLUMBIA AGENTS Sole Distributors for W. & L. Swing Fada Radios—Loud Speakers a Conscience NELSON STREET Nulf Said 1927 Palace Barber Shop First Class Service in a Sanitary ROBERT E. LEE HOTEL ROCKBRIDGE NATIONAL BANK Resources over a Million and Half Dollars PAUL M. PENICK, President. A. P. WADE, Cashier. Way Located in ‘IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL’ Sanitation The Expert Shoe Cleaning and Dying Walter’: Barber Shop Law Service The Idea Modern Conviences 4%?"IllIIlllllllllmllllllllllllllllilflfilillllll I MYERS HARDWARE CO. Established 1 865 CUTLERY—RAZORS THE NEW and LYRIC THEATRES DIRECTION SHENANDOAH VALLEY THEATRES RALPH I. DAVES, Manager Matinee Daily 3:00 Evening 7:30 & 9:00 INC. Incorporated 1907 GUNS STORAGE ROCKBRIDGE MOTOR COMPANY DODGE BROTHERS AUTOMOBILES PHONE 289 db-u-—un——un——uu—«n— Ql‘ THE MODEL BARBER SHOP Rockbridge National Bank HUGH A. WILLIAMS, Prop. Opposite F RATERNITIES We Solicit Your Patronage Welsh & Hutton Phones 192 and 144 ‘ “WE CAN KEEP U NEAT” DRY CLEANING 35 N. Jefferson St. F OX’S EXPECTS YOU SMITHS WORKS Phone 514 OCR::/Vol_031/WLURG39_RTP_19271012/WLURG39_RTP_19271012_004.2.txt PAGE FOUR Duke Sm:ci.imi:is As G.ene—*;‘.r.ais ‘Win Con‘:,ii1L1<.p_-»urtLiriE?)' than (ili\'=* t.. 711;)”: {fine Lilltl L. 4' lo\‘. _‘.;iw.l lim. ‘:'ni' =1 [(:LlL'll-'iH'\'CI' I from lime to I’ koslcie was but V‘/'.i.\liii and £l}‘IL‘l12‘ill'_‘.' n1 .1 for Duke the {I jgard line, ;';Ll‘di(i for it to the 1 ed o\er flue lllli‘ of L()‘L1;l1(l<'.\i1 fiisiz 1-. .. to (lr-npl< ihe .3. 1 .0 '»‘~.: and . .i<.‘e ;n.l ‘ova- Ceuntc-;« Generals twl?l‘L‘l.((l \l<)'\‘»1= r,3.:: the Duke the V)‘, jtard lin . :11? :3‘ ‘\‘\‘ r1.*l.\j reversing: ‘:. iielri line of St guard 11);’ . l1‘i1I‘12l"‘i', ' 'i‘Lmfil'v‘.:'f <.»x1»‘ an ‘~ 3 yard liar. ‘.‘."}i'I‘.,«-, In at the line, to-.;Li~.;~;;.:l2IiiE'ir: ‘V Should Be l1estrictcd."' ’ side co1'n_.'.-o:~‘e(l ol‘ Ihisr“, won the debate. The ;1:’9‘ir2=iz2‘.2~.'~ cmoposed of l.l::_\'(l anal .. A1, ‘ :\ .,.".k‘, ..-f'(''( ::e:;«» £3" ”I.‘;(l i'V‘:;‘r: Says a l1(‘:1~il.l 1: 1‘ VV. Va., Z\le'~ l.iC(;§€ PORTANT 1'; :'‘‘;'l‘ 1}; OF BILL TIL1)iC.\'.” you and I. A busy tongue is the of an empty brain. Close friends 1li'U fine———ur.l'~:: they’re so close you ;an’t make 1-. “touch.” ' ['.'le.~..-1, :-l;;‘eI1u ‘ I’[€O(}RA.‘:i New 3: Lyric Theatres; Wetlnestlziy. (,c.. Lillian Girl) In “MADAME I’().‘si}‘ ‘.I)() [,.'R’’ Thursday, Oct. 13th “l’j\Ii\I’i‘I7‘.7(} "FIIIC 'l'(V‘».’\'f‘w"’ Starring: Glen and P51’,- Ruth Felille on sy Friday and S:i{u:'(‘.a;c Oct. I-ith and I3 Clare: llrm “THE IT (IIRL-" In “HUl.,'\."' Two Reel Pafhey ('»:m.:ed)' th LYRIC 'I‘IilE.‘.’l‘l{l£ E853 Satnrdaj:' Oct. 13th Linden The '5?-;*i.\‘ l’;~..";:-- mcun‘. “'95:-;r.n Star In “Sil£')U'i‘I:‘-Ff} Y.'«‘.{.‘=I‘~«.';5” Jack Proves Successful The football informal, sponsored by the Cotillion club Saturday night in Jiorcinus ej,'iiii1:,1siLi3i1 proved to be .1 nut-cessi't1l prccedmnt to the VV21.\l‘1- .?i:,w’.<;;~. Zllikl Lee social attractionts for t'::<.- coming‘ szasoii. The football .:..xn.:e prior to the, dance brought a 1; .y.: numlwer of visitors for the in-I Lzenizil, and Wash- gton and Lee s-«weal adiniralily as host to the. from Duke university andl \.‘l1e;l‘(‘. l'.i:rht_\' ‘;oLii1;: ladies, rep1‘esenting‘ \'2lll(;LlS sections, came to I.exin;rton the informal. The nearby girls’; .-.ciu:o?.», as usual sent over a niajerity: ./J“ the dzmcei's. fut,‘ \‘{;isliiiig't<>ii and Lee informals. in the past been 21 source ,r:ve-2,1 cnjoyinert to all who have :.it—s ;‘i:,'.'.':- of ‘ wziuiizzl. 'I‘hou;;h not so brilliant and; .»1 of the 14 sororities and“ " ; gills" dormitories that all smok« in;/‘ nius? cease under threat of ex—l ;:11lSl()}1. l>».-an. Richardson's ruling: was‘ ‘:'\1l(i(‘ \\"?Lh the consent of the wom- s..ililgoverinnerit association, ’ on one girl from eazh sor—j :»rii.y and dorxnitory. They are i.5()0 gzirl students at Northw<=stern. ,__ ,__I,0,__*_,, <(;l‘r1};-Us .'< Presidents Paragraph No 3, 1927-28 ‘Tifiii .‘4{'Z£‘().\'I) BESETTING SIN (ii? Tlllfi .\.\lERI(.‘.\..\‘ C.\.VIl’l'S The secoml besetting ‘ . wlzhh zii'i'li<7!s the American campus 3 ‘' R\:scow"erzact I ran .l\'i(‘k»-oft, a kiel; troin ‘tree “1 1‘-ee-.':\.'«-1*eri by l,)‘e\'il. i"u.»nbl~;\rl aga to rm §.:n-al line, only to i)'1’0l1_i’,fllt hack E‘lill.).\i {rm ‘nail have ‘ reiieree. “Wlien 2; licl-;.rl ‘i.-all, otliei,‘ than catch or 21‘ is legally‘ ’oet'ore i it hm [?1L.%.~‘.‘(l into p.’).‘-<>1(‘.s'.~1lUI‘i and con- s:‘.l‘et_V. itrol oi’ the (‘Lh'L‘l' side, it sh ll be de- wclared rlr‘-ad at the point ml’ recovery.” . _. ._ ..,-r;_ (;E.,\SSl-PS l“0l’I\'!) l’1‘ei‘e.«'sor l'I. li. .5’z1x‘».o:‘. tli-at the lasing t01toi.~‘e— ll ;:‘l;1s< ., 5;‘ _v in r. I th L‘, Saiurriav pleaLl— ‘liiis Sanslspur. in Con we . G CAFE nection 7’ '13 /4 L L SC 0 /x’ If .3’ weakness « 3.‘? is: :"i{()W5)-SLAVERY, a shallow and ‘ i =:i2i'e acceptarice of the opinions. § 7 S; merits. andn traditions of yonr‘(:"' I . l H, .— . — " £':.In_‘,. r‘:‘a,nw(l..‘" your “set,” your This blind ~vz’;';er:?ion to moi) rule and the major— ‘ xoie :1 prevalent epidemic which rli‘f_‘.*‘}7.'.ll!]i;' .\nierican civilization . '. -S: L. man develop tin ~r and the habit of independent ivzti _iti(l_L,"l‘i1(‘llt and decision. “cam pus .. ,, ,,_.()(,., —“‘:~1in'e————l>ut the assig'mner:t u:l_\' the hand and neck, and iiislierl stLi<,l_Viiig' the l1ea(l.”——~ and (‘I‘iIl(lI