OCR::/Vol_031/WLURG39_RTP_19271109/WLURG39_RTP_19271109_001.2.txt On To Blacksburg VOLUME KKXI ‘ U112 fling-tum Ifilii BY THE STUDENTS, FOR THE UNIVERSITY. WWASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, V. P. I. Backs Come To Life To Romp On South Carolina Though predicted by the dopesters to be the team that would equal Pittsburg’s World series record of losing four in a row, the Pony Ex- press of V. P. I. upset all forecasts by swamping the South Carolina Gamecocks, 35 to 0 last Saturday. From all reports the Gobblers have at last found themselves after a peculiar season. STUPDENTSWILL GO BY BUS TO GOBBLER SETTO Athletic Association Arranges VVith Townes Bus Line For Special Busses For Blacksburg Trip. Arrangements with Townes Bus Line for special busses to Blacks- burg for the game with Virginia Tech have just been completed by the athletic association and the exe- cutive committee of the student body. These will take the place of the special train which is usually run every year for this game. This event occurred in the last half of Saturday’s affair when the Blacksburg team electri- fied the Richmond grandstands by running through the entire Game- cock eleven for four touchdowns in fifteen minutes. This was Tech’s first victory since the day they be- came famous by defeating Colgate a month ago. A comparison of scores after this game is interesting. South Carolina beat Virginia, the Cavaliers won out over V. P. I.,' and the Gobblers ran through the Gamecocks‘ 35-0. Who wants to pre- dict this week’s outcome? The round trip fare to Blacksburg will be $4.50 from Lexington. These tickets will be good on all busses from Friday noon until Sunday night. This makes it possible for those wishing to leave Friday after classes to take advantage of the special round trip rate. Special busscs will leave Lexing- ton early Saturday morning for Blacksburg. The exact time and place of their departure will be post- ed on the bulletin board in the Corner within the next few days. It has been assured that enough busses will be on hand to carry all students who wish to go, although all must buy tickets by noon Friday. Georgia’s Bulldogs advanced an- other step in their fight for the Conference championship and na- tional honors by holding the Florida Gators helpless to win by a 28-0 score. Captain McCrary, though If as many as fifteen men want playing but half the game, ran to stay in Blacksburg for the dance ‘0hr011gh the G3-t0rs fer three t011eh' Saturday night after the game, aldowns almost single handed. Flor- special bus will stay and return tolida threatened but Once, and that Lexington after the dance. If morejwas in the closing minutes when men than one bus will carry want i they carried the ball down the field. to stay over, enough busses will re- However, with fourth down on the main to take care of them. In the Georgia one-foot line, the Gators event that no men want to stay backs lacked the punch to take it after the game the busses will re- over as the game ended. turn to Roanoke, stay there an hour 0 and a half ,then return to Lexing- English Debating ton. T e a m Members Have Been Chosen The members of the English de- bating team which is to tour the United States have been chosen by the National Union of Students of England and Wales. The purpose of this debating tour is to encour- age the interchange of students and ideas between the two countries. This is the first team to debate Likewise, if enough students want to remain in Roanoke Saturday night, a bus will stop over there until 12:30 that night, then return to Lexington. This would give those students who want to take advant- age of this an entire evening in Roanoke. It is expected that a large number of students will make the trip to Blacksburg for the game, as this is the first time the Generals have played V. P. I. there for many years. Further detailed information con- GENERALSARE GROOMING FOR TECH CONTEST Blue and White Doggedly Prepare For Gobbler Clash Saturday; Tips and Lott Injured. With the Virginia game a thing of the past, the Washington and Lee football team, more dogged and determined than ever, is preparing to meet the strong V. P. I. eleven in Blacksburg. Saturday. Although the squad was granted a rest Mon- day afternoon and rain drove them indoors yesterday, the Generals are ready to give the Orange and Ma- roon the fight of their lives. Captain Horse Tips was on crutches the early part of the week due to an ankle injury sustained in the Virginia encounter. It is doubt- ful whether or not he will start the game but it is certain that he will get into the scramble if his team needs him. Billy Lott also received bad bruises Saturday but will prob- ably get a crack at the enemy be- fore the afternoon is over. If Tips is not ready to start, Buck Streit will take his place at guard while Coach Herron will pick either Bar- clay or Eberhardt for the halfback position in case Lott is out of the IWEHNESDXY, NOV. 9, 135} And Get V. P. 1. NO. 15 Monogram Dance Saturday Evening Is Gay Occasion Once more Doremus gymnasium became the center of colorful life and glowing youth at the Monogram club dance Saturday night. Approxi- mately 650 boys and 200 girls were present for the evvening’s festivities. Music was furnished by the South- ern Collegians, who got off on the latest hits in their best and most attractive style. Old and new faces were seen in the famous hot corner, where the latest dance steps were cleverly exhibited. The sting of de- feat was temporarily forgotten and the Student body cast aside all wor- ries to assume a care free and happy spirit which resounded throughout the evening’s joy. Hundreds of girls from nearby school and neighboring states graced the floor with their beauty and charm According to R. F. Howe, presi- dent of the Monogram club, the dance went off with the best order and was successful from every stand- point. Mirth and joy were not sup- pressed, but rowdiness and shines were not in evidence. Howe said. “I appreciate the co—operation of the Student Body in making the Mono- CAVALIERS PLUS BREAKS DOWN GENERALS BY 13 TO 7 SCORE Blue and White Gain 346 Yards .T Firstdowns To 5; Cavaliers are Outplayed Championship Game ADJUSTED SCHEDULE The academic, Commerce, and Science classes regularly sche- duled for Monday, November 14 are to be omitted, and those assigned for Saturday, November 12 are to meet on Monday the fourteenth. gram club dance the success it was.” It is customary for the Monogram club to give one dance each year. game. Coach Herron is not underesti- mating the strength of the Blacks- burgers. Their sweeping victory over South Carolina last week shows] that they have power on the of‘fense._l Their pony backfield found the weak spots in the Carolina line to be the ends and proceeded to roll up at, big score. However, the Generalsl flanks are amply protected byl Spotts, Dorsey and Sproul, with l, Howe and Stearns as a secondary‘. defense. Little has been heard ofl the V. P. I. overhead game since‘, they rely chiefly on running attack‘ l The forward wall of the Blue and‘, White has the weight advantage, over the Gobblers. Fisher and Fitz-N; patrick will give the Techmen plenty} to think about during the afternoon‘ both on the offense and defense, and, a battle of giants will take place when Captain Miller of V. P. I. and Captain Tips of Washington and3 Lee oppose each other in the guard cerning the special busses will be posted on the bulletin boards in the Corner Thursday or Friday morning. 0 Glee Club To Sing At Southern Sem in the United States which will represent Great Britain and not in- dividual universities. Professor M. G. Bauer, coach of the University debating team, has arranged for a; debate between the English and Washington and Lee teams. The National Union is a federa- tion of the Student Unions, and Societies of the universities and colleges in the southern section of Great Britain. It was founded in S th ' Wsill ,hr€_SCnt SI mlmcerh hit! 1921, largely by ex-service men, in Ou eln emmmy on Om ay mg ’lresponse to the necessities of the November 14. Frank Parker, president of the Glee Club, and Graham Gibson, business manager of the Trouba-l 0 dours, arranged the trip to the Buenat Vista institution. A dance will be 2 More Students given immediately after the concert‘ by the administration of the Semi- For Degree nary. The Southern Collegians will _ furnish the music for this occasion. The latest applicants f0!‘ degrees Mr. A. D. Tyler, director of thelaio J- Newman for 3- B- S- lh G196 (nub, has been working hard ClVll engineering and Charles J. Hol- during October, and those who havel lahrl fer an L. L. B. This brings the heard the University Singers de_ltotal number of applications to 130. clare that it is the best organization, Only six men h3Ve thus far left in its history. Due to the favorable the llhlverslty either from Velllrltary comments, it is planned to repcatjwlthilhawal 01' by the “kicked Out" the concert which was given in Lex- chahhel- ington sometime ago. Other tripsl SlXl3Y'hVe 0f the Uhiversityls 865 are also being arranged by President stlldehlis are 011 Prohatlerl resulting Parker and Manager Gibson‘ lfrom their faulty scholastic work 0 llast year. They are allowed no class cuts and regular reports are sent to Graham Lee Meets lthe Dean concerning their present Thursday Night l standing in classes. No one is placed on probation this year because of ex- A special meeting of the Graham- cess class cuts as was the custom Lee Literary society will be held inl last year. Instead quality credits Washington College on Thursdaylare deducted at the rate of one night, November 10, due to the in- credit for each excess absence. advisability of holding a meeting Saturday night after the V. P. I. game. If Thursday night proves to be a better time for the meetings than Saturday night there is a strong possibility that the meetings will be continued on that day. The program arranged for the meeting Thursday includes two ex- temporaneous speeches, a number of informal talks, and a debate; “Re- solved that co-education is a failure” affirmative, F. S. Nanny, and H. O. Winston; negative, F. Evans, and E. L. Kiel. AA students are cordially invited to attend this special meeting. A combined company of 45 per- formers, which will include the Washington and Lee Glee Club, the Southern Collegians, and Mr. A. D. Tyler, international situation, representing England and Wales in the Confed- eration Internationale des Etudiants. ___~jm FROSH WRESTLERS TO MEET VARSITY The third match between the Freshman and Varsity wrestling teams is scheduled for 5:00 o’colck Thursday afternoon. The Varsity is determined to get revenge for its defeat last week, and many of the Varsity men who failed to show up at the last encounter have promised to be on hand for the meet this week. Both squads have a victory under their belts, and the match on Thurs- day should be a real battle. Results will appear in Saturday’s edition. positions. At center, the Gobblers will miss Moran who played such: a steady game last year. Perhaps the two greatest back-l The larger portion of the financial} proceeds are turned over to the Athletic association and a small amount to the Cotillion club. The; Monogram club has no running ex-l penses for the year and is closely! connected with the Athletic associa-l tion. Accordingly, the money is given. v i to the Athletic association to be used} of the Alumni association, thanked for athletics at Washington and Leew __o._. 1 Pideltaurus Makes l Annual Appearance At Virginia Game A The yearly Pideltaurus made its’, appearance Saturday when Lexington: was at its gayest revealing uncloth-l[ ed and uiiblushingly all the incon-l: ruities of the present local colligi-l ate life and took the water with a‘ splash. The biggest news event which was scrawled all over the front page, was the doped statistics of the annual di'inlst <';’;iir in their treatment of us. Others who restifaincd l;l1Ci‘ili}(:i./{BS thank. Such material as we furnished was ll2L‘tUl‘3.li_'y' soizcil upon by avid editors. ' - ~.-~-7 Llic SIT,’ wt.’ . h 3" 7 TN .‘.3.LU Sympathy We could not expect, but justice we do El-'3.1‘.»l£t‘.rl(l. Articles written without undei'standiiig or kiiowledgc are villi- fication. As such they should be treated.—-V. M. I. Cadet. ’ .y for their‘ ' , i":1.1L,‘l1—1l~’c‘C(.lCtl auditorium”. also: mo l 1 l l l l I l not a cough in a carload , :-. other ad r '5 © 1927, P. Lorillard Co.. Est. 1760 » l . Lt €{};~’3Zl?‘£iiZ".L cations I l _ _ (‘me oi’ the iiiost lov.'—down attacks t'.;’><>ii a ]‘.('l’;$(>ll oi: thiiig‘ appeared as the fo‘.i’:.ix's.'<- aitic-lo iii the Pideltaurus last ceriiiiig Satiiiday, iii the column con- the Class Bridge and the man who is behind it, “Dick” Smith. ’l‘ho Student Birdy owes a big debt to the able zmd l'z:i--siglitozl manage- niozit of our (ji*a(luato :‘vlaiiagoi'. You i (‘di.llUiL realize the growth of thet Athletic Department until you look up a Calyx of about ten years ago,‘ and gaze upon the photo of the true “V”"lsoii Fiold”—a small plot zilrout the size of the main campus, (,‘(iltlj)liC‘(l with a small wodon grand- lsf l. Biiico “t1:ip-taiii Dick” has t.z1