OCR::/Vol_031/WLURG39_RTP_19271214/WLURG39_RTP_19271214_001.2.txt Attend Reading Of Christmas BY THE STUDENTS i_ hi Carol Thursday In Lee Chapel , FOR THE UNIVERSITY. VOLUME XXX] I TNUMBE174 iiiriimnis soniii ‘J A i=Li1ici T I 53301/ieeflézstg Is Always Tcilmzg me . 032 wt 0 L2 e . By BRIGGS VVASHINGTON LEE UNIVERSITY SEMI-WEEKLY , Member‘; of boutliern liitercollegizite‘Newspaper Association ‘ YI.;L;RGEAl" AND A Subscription $3.10 per year, in advance CHR“$TN\AS .I: I ~ .,°”5°”1i’”f‘i.§‘Tl§b§7“'l,,‘i§,,:§)lfffilifslli I * eeefcim Yes ~ 8? “~T—Li‘§‘”w‘...i."°,7.‘e:§ ‘Z‘.1:'I.£§“$§3€° New ".“E ‘W iii“:-'s“§“i Lew Web. mwllmlulh ' THE OLD TREE YOU 5“°°L9 FL: FooL AN‘{Bol>Y "‘°":‘3 OR UT'"J= BOY R AN“ Eiitered at the Iie:;iiiL'toii. Va., Postolfice as second class mail matter LOOKS GQEAT‘ HAVE BOUGHT ALBERT \/‘JILL Cl_f\\)5v AL3ERT _______. _._—_..————A——- p ', DOESN'T IT 7 SOME Mo\'»?'E r1:r'i‘oN bL. iiaiiitisoil, J1‘., ~30 L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ediwr-in-Chief‘ ‘ ' ORMAMEi\lTS F. B. UlLMOI,<.E, ‘$0 L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Business Manager‘ All mutter: oi business shotiid be 21d\.ll':.'.;:5(1d to the Busiiiess Manager. All other mattensl nhould come to the Editoi'~iii-Uliief. p . . l We are a.lwu._ys glad to pubiisli any eozxiniunicutions Lhzit inziy be handed to us, but no‘ unsigned L:UI‘I‘i::5yUIIdt.’lA&.'e will oi Uubiisneu. oun“nuuuonflmF Trim critical, pressing need or an adequate and suitable audi-‘ toriuiri ior the Liiiiversity was agaiii 10i'Cibly brought to} the atteiitioii oi the entire student body at the assembly heldl‘ In l)OI’€Illl.lb' gyfillllitsltllll C;‘otttll'(I€‘ty. ‘ ‘ ,~_ /H //' More than eight hunureu students attended. several hundred; ‘Q5? §T¢§J _5’E§>A";*fj‘_NDi -AND YOU'RE woszsa THAN . = — ' FLOP W Your: SANTA cums ACT were seated in ioioiiig chairs set up on the inain iloor oi thel W ‘0 COUG” ’ ‘ . gyiii, otiiers stooped over on the oasiietoaii bleachers along" ‘EMT ns~'T fifi Afr.“ YCLl.’°1‘>T (EELS - To ME AND SMOKED i SANTA CL/4\US.. -I-HA.r.5 HATS PAPA. , _ i T SANTA CUW5 oL.D GOl_DS/ M-us NEVER wouco HAVE HAPPENED! r~_l9_w You've: sws-r-rsRe_u the wan; scores iouiigeu on ‘wiestliiig inats aiiu on the balcony ‘ ‘ . __ \ KNOW . BUT HE HAS steps; others secnreu chairs and propped their ieet on thel‘ ms ¢ou5H_ railing arouiiu the tracii, where visitors aie supposed to have , " sole right oi entry. Aggiavatiiig tiie sitllatioii, tne uay was coid and damp, andl‘ cold air swept tiiiougii tin, 'WIll\}.'L)\rVb‘ aiiu ventilators which were; iiistaiieo. not ioi tire purpose oi veiitiiatiiig’ a iiieetiiig place} 101‘ 5LLlklUllu ctssciiibiiem, Utit to itliilitiii pieiity 01 IILSII all‘ I0l'§ atiiietic coiitcsts aiiu practice 1}UiiUolL)'. rviore thail a quarter 01; those atteiiuiiig sat tii'i’uti;._;li tiie eiitire IlU‘.lJ.' with their ‘top-; coats uii, wiiiie otiic-is xvi-tilt-ut suiiicieiit ioresigiit to proviuel against the coio. uiaits, coilgiiell aiiu siiivered, envious oi their. L\\~; \i‘\*. s v; more iortuiiate ieiio‘.v—s~.utieiits, aiiu proiuse iii coiiueiiiiiiiigl , l cii‘cuins.aiiccs- niiicii ioiceu tiieiii LU sit through the 2:t5b‘€I1'iL)l'_y"‘ ’ihe aiciiiteetuie oi the ‘c’_)Iil and its veiitiiatiiig system are} not to he coiioeiiiiicu. it was not built ior use as an auditorium lor stuueiit lJUuI_y iiicetiiigs. iiie place is siinpiy not largel iii CALL eiiie uiscoin1'oi‘t. enough i\)i' ‘ctil a.LlLiitUi'iU.iii’, ‘ctilci i65:‘,'ctI‘Lii&2bb‘ UI past 01' pi'BS€I1l} ‘ respoiisioiiity isr tiicie not using one at ‘wasriiiigtoii and Lee, I V i it the ia-ct reniaiiis, more Ui)\lULi;> U\U1")’ day, that provision 1'01“ an asseiiibiy and meeting ‘nail is a ieauiiig pi‘(>L)iem here. l I , . . , , » . . . 0 beveral years ago the Ui1ivei'sity auniinistration, in coopera—l a h C - '_ . . E F ’ Lion with Otilci‘ i‘ai'-‘;3igfiti:(l ihuiviutiais, tried to put throughl ' a ren‘ioueiiiiig [J‘i‘Ug'i'aLI1l ior Lee unapei. "ihis provided ior bu1ld—l ©1921,,‘Lmmmco__ESt‘1760 ing an auuitioii to iuii l10'i'tl1 and south iroin the rear of the] present chapel proper, and at the saiiie tiine, retained thel shrine and its stitictuie complete. il‘oi* reasoiis known to all, ‘“ M \ this plan iaiictl to receive i‘IlL'l0I'r3t3lil€lll. irom all l1lL6I'€Sl;€(.ll [/Vashngfon and Lee parties. iis a result 'nit';;‘~ilIiigtU$l mid Lee continues to struggle? I S’ along with no suitable iiaii capable or seating the studentl In the Pas‘ . S“°°eSS°” m W‘ Harry Agnor WAYLAND-GORRELL DRUG CO. INC. NORRIS and NUNNALLY’S CANDIES W. & L. STATIONERY '00<13'i11 C0mf01‘t- Staple and Fancy Groceries l, l Phones 36 and 76 ‘ , o.p—-o—--s———n——-u——-.. ,1, Regardless of the present status oi the question of building; the auuitoriuin as an exteiisioii to the chapel, we believe thatl soin steps must soon be tal«;cn to provide comI"ortable quartersl‘ f N . ,. , ,. K) M, , , , ., at the Second Annual congress 0 mi stuoeiit iiicttiiigs. ii sucii steps are not taken, thehhe Nmoml qtudem federation my-,. ~- “ ~l -~ ~,~ 1:, .' . ' —. ‘ ‘ K’. '. I wisdom oi uoiiig away with such assemblies during winter Ann A,.1/M.‘ Michlgan‘ thls week 39.‘ nioiitlis will becoiiie so obvious tliat the adininistratioii Wllllcause oi‘ the widesprc‘1d student‘ — , . . v . . = I ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ I NICE PRINTING recognize the t;i.~;coriioi‘t cnn ua~i<~ei' to iltu ~ii‘s” health whichfliscussion Of all P113595 0f the Odu-I L L ‘D 3 up L L lcation system, the congress willl AND NO OTHER results Iroiii iioidliig iiieetliigs in the gym and will refuse to Call compulsory gatl’iei*iiii;s or any character" during the coldlS°.ek , 0.. months Ilm;?£i‘§§ei,:€$2::‘f2}?§;. 1"‘: County News I LEXINGTQN Pam‘ QQMPANY Another C0lISlLle‘i"a.tl()il is the need oi" a hall with a stage inl 1922 - JOB OFFICE which University oigaiiizatioiis could present plays, debates,l This Y9‘““'v f"1' the first tl‘“°’ the‘ Student.» priming Invited v . . « ~ . ‘. , V " . « ' .- I \ 3 "~ class and society riiectiiigs without being Ioi'ced to take them to lstudmt bmb M N.d5hmgt°n ‘Hid L”! Outside Lil.‘-X..Lel,5 inc en‘: _‘ .1,‘ ‘ . V .‘_..L d . ‘ W lVV'lll be 'I‘0l€2lS0(l l0l‘ the Cll1‘IStIlI2‘tS Opposite i‘[e3byterian Sunday , L“ ‘, ' , , ‘Any, L lb‘ flwelblby an 1% eXt1‘3"l holidays as a body, and it is possible‘ School K001“. Main St- Cu1T1Cmw" “*‘5UV"”1"5‘~5 “'0U1"~‘ linereb.‘/' “'3 better l31’e5e1"Ved; 3«11dltliei'efoi~e, to make definite arrange—l LEXKNGTON V 1 much or the expense and incoiiveiiieiice oi’ niioliiight l'ehea1‘Sa,lslincnts for special t1‘2J.l‘i1s, speciall‘ ’ would be done away With. sleepers, etc., to get them to theiri homes as rapidly as possible. 1 ‘ 1914 1 ‘ solution or” this problein. We believe that University officialsl With 1915 will Come a new fea—i I fully roali;;o that the 1)l'Q.:3€l’lt sitt1:it.i()ii should not continue much l Lu” "f “N fotlbilll Schcdub tllatl ACme Print Shop . Students-I-Tor Students longer. Aside 1IOTi’l being (ldllf;‘(3l'OLl:_-3 and uncomfortable, 'theiSh°u1d Smkc 5‘ lmponsive choral ‘‘‘F‘’’‘‘ I ' - 1 1- i « lainon the "tlunini One bi aine‘ v -« gyrnirisiuni is D"..’.l Ll}; sir-.‘; i";\1;i":. f 1- ~ *' - . g ‘ . .' . g_g l QUICK SERVICE C L l 1 1 My 1 ‘ 0 ‘LOQSLICS’ ‘Ind thelVVlll be staged in Lexington, if sat—l ordeal of ‘si:ttiiig“tl‘ii'oiigli a loi'ty—i'i\'e iniiiute tall; in the gyI1'l,liSfacL0i.y a1.mnge1m,mS can be coma In First National Bank Building ; however interestiiig and 1'ill01‘lll’atlV’€, is not relished by thelpioteri, and this event will be anl Phone 145 Lexington, Va. ; , 0 Stl1dentS- ‘occasion for “Alumni Day”, when‘ ‘all the alumni will be invited tol‘ ‘ SPECIALTIES L _ t V b ‘ ‘ V ‘liexiiigtoii to witness the Generalsl‘ exing on ii-ere izllltl-3 ii gal.‘ ll“'iw {~§~}_1xd 1 d F -‘i’ .b.,~1 .. 1 r . . . ,_,.,,c,ei ‘ “I; Jaj‘ruary_§g1%t;; 5:3“ dz» =1. R L H & B ‘ TOASTED SANDWICHES—WAFFLES ~ l 1,“ - - 6“ "°- 2 CLUB BREAKFASTS The excerpt in the last l; d011‘~11'b' 101‘ those who do not,‘,yc—ar will be played in the Sliatlllg _-. 1"oui'1d that true to the S1/‘l10S t0 Yemlnd eVe1'yl1‘iI11<; Which 0‘Vl118' W W5 g1'0i‘~t Size ‘ W & L S d made by the hair-cliild Survv,-,y 1‘n¢‘?i‘«.Lin»llt tliat a successful Finals island better location will more easlliy Phoneg 126 and 426 ' ° tu_ Cnts suits boiigflit and wu'i‘ii by W. and L,‘ l " A1‘;-Ci only by Student Body co- ‘ acconiodate the ci'owd. lii sccuring ’ _i.,tud__.ntS were CO,1Sen,,t:,Ve bow in‘ iatioii in paying up promptly, this the nianagcinent is at a con— ' V J V‘I"'~. N cut and ‘color a‘nd were c-i"the three.‘ J},m‘.‘u who have attended WaSh_l‘siderable eixpeiise and will need the‘ Y . 3 . . A ‘ & S bum)“ SW10‘ It \~,a_r3 also iuund thdg‘ ~mg.Um and Lee Finals in the pas ‘support 01 those interested in the SFART EARLY more glmy bats were Sold than 1”‘ iivx-,«.v‘ what it is, while the freshmen l game‘ I Place your Order _ ‘ FOR NEW-—' t ——New s.- any other color, and that the shirts 3 ‘_‘;_i;_~L km“, Sumething to look fob; _?__0 _ top C03 S Sun hats Gents bought were tliose liaviiig low cut i —\~.‘,m.d 10‘ A11“. Christmas eVe1.ylT1,0ubad0u]_S Present ' N O W Furnishings, A New lot of Ties just in Beautiful Fancy collars and solid color‘ white being U1 1 i d t i _ ’ ‘ht .» , p ~ -t 4 »h l . . CS0): 50c and 75c Dl‘efC1'1‘C(l to any other C->l{)i‘. “'11 H mbg 0 buppol 4 Welt yl Plfigranl 1“ Hlgh School ‘ _ ‘ V ‘ ‘M “ k “ -cailse by ifiiianciiig Finals. l ‘ Ca1~dS_ "“ Contrary to the .—.tati'iii<=,‘iit oi the‘ ‘ ,‘ ‘ ——~- : ‘ , —‘ style survey, the taste or the stu—“ , The Washington and Leo Trouba—. H A R L O W S ‘ (191135 inclined ‘Low-d1-(1 U33 which a1‘e"‘l:y’ the studciits were “loud” in color ; dours will present the Glee club in‘ ; NEVV GOODS DAILY “loud” in color; however, there is l and design, and that no conservative a varied program tonight at the old ‘ t> I ~ L f‘ x- ~ = ed t‘~ ~ l:s;WI/"°g\~ §-V1 "WFT_‘,‘_,_ ‘ l”rorie'tor ‘ Illllllllllllllfl ' . 1 . ,“"' rqvz-r.'v'. .1-I ' - . H, wm‘ I <‘.~.- 2 :~ TOLLE'Y’S TOGGER FOR, SNAPPY CLOTHES .?: . RUNNING A SPECIAL ON SUITS AND TOP—COA'I‘S FOR THE ‘CIIRI::3'I‘MAS HOLIDAYS SUITS the Generals have the loyal prayers} . Men’s $45.00 to $55.00 Suits reduced to $07.50 Cash <1.‘ ‘P Men’s $37.50 to $410.00 Suits reduced to 30.00 Cash Men’s $45.00 to $48.50 TOp—Coats—$35.00 Cash Men’s $35.00 to $40.00 Top—Coats—$27.50 Cash A Special Lot of Top—COats at $22.50 Cash. $7 to $8 Hats at $6.00. Drop in and let us Dress you up for Christmas. B. C. TOLLEY The Coilege Man’s Shop PHONE 164 NELSON STREET I THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK LEXINGTON, VA THE BANK OF SERVICE—STUDENTS WELCOME_ Varsity H aberdashcrs for Over a Quarter of a Century Spittlefield Ties, McCurrach New Crea- For Fall Nine New Patterns in Polo Scarfs Adler Gloves of Pig and Doe Skin Ned Graham ex ’12 Merce Graham ex '19 The Main Street Rendezvous For Students Drinks, Drugs, Cigars, iligarettes, Sandwiches, Candies, Magazines, Newspapers Football Scores Received By Wire Resuits On Bulletin Board «or as .. mliflflfiigfljlmilllflllffiifijl!llll¢I}}lllL;.._ RAPP MOTOR COMPANY PHONE 532 Night and Day Service General Garage Service——Storage IRWIN & C0,, Inc. Everything In DRY GOODS & GROCERIES Specialists In QUALITY, SERVICE & PRICE McCoy’: Three Stores FRUITS, CANDIES CAKES And All Good Things To Eat J. W. Zimmerman LEXINGTON, VA. Graduate Optician Registered Optometrist COMPLIMENTS OF ROCKBRIDGE STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 185 J A C K S O N ’ S The Barber Shop With a Conscience OPPOSITE NEW THEATRE NELSON STREET 1863 Nulf Said 1997 THE MODEL BARBER SHOP Opposite Rockbridge National Bank HUGH A. WILLIAMS, Prop. Palace Barber Shop First Class Service in 3 Sanitary Way Located in ROBERT E. LEE HOTEL ‘IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL’ Sanitation The Law Service The Idea Modern Convlences Expert Shoe Cleaning and Dying Walter’: Barber Shop F RATERNITIES We Solicit Your Patronage Welsh & Hutton Phones 192 and 144 WEINBERGBS VIC’DOR and COLUMBIA AGENTS Sole Distributors for W. 8: L. Swing Fade Radios-—Loud Speakers ROCKBRIDGE NATIONAL BANK Resources over a Million and Half Dollar: PAUL III. PENICK, President. A. P. WADE. CJIMC. DIRECTION SHENANDOAH VA...L§ EY THEATRES RALPH I. DAVES. Knuat Matinee Daiiy 3:00 Evening 7:30 & 9:00 *'wrq'«*.m*-" ‘‘"r" I?" "m" VTV"“‘< ‘W ‘“ ,l|g|l!__li{\\'§'ll|l|Il|,!S}g]l!‘§7é:_.. 2=~‘i’&1i'l||J||J'i.|lJ!;" ROCKBRIDGE MOT OR COMPANY DODGE BROTHERS AUTOMOBILES STORAGE PHONE I89 .1. 1 “WE CAN KEEP U NEAT” diiti’ €i..E iiiitiifl FOX’S EXPECTS YOU SiiiiI'i~i’S W 35 N. Jefferson St. Phone 514 OCR::/Vol_031/WLURG39_RTP_19271214/WLURG39_RTP_19271214_004.2.txt PAGE FOUR . VS‘. Tigf. . is: -i W hi V’ .r“As=." crin 2 Blfi Fllliltg gs In #1 " ' ii """ T ""‘ \_... .'iA..« »Ni_.1‘-...."~..w... “flee Satrirolay, Dec. 17th: G'L2‘.iiztI1'i—l.CC i‘_itei'ary Society will; 1 last of the year; . , , _.. ,. ‘ :"~atLi:‘i'i‘ull'C,‘ 'gumeiit This is not a newl until recently hasl; . persued \~.'itli the fervor that‘. but not Srcr 7, Miss l‘-liw Stein, cham- \-.orld, eiigageil in a bout 'l'edd;.' id; 2113, of Georgia, ‘line in2;i.cl1 was a fea- oi LL czird on wiiicli prolcssional Miss Stein "cnanipionsliip." ,,,_,,,,(j,._r_, I-ilai°vard Noyv Trying ‘ifoluiitary Reading woman wrestling Ii. _5u.i:1zit;,i. wi‘estl'.-1'2; ;;ra.pplei‘.iatui'e. 21:’: the ,.~. ,‘ i I LL li s':.id.'>i:l s " rrii trial. ient lie-alL1i‘.il:ia University ,s‘l‘-.id: ats scholastic i':~iii't‘r:2 r" ar Dr. Frederick dean of the Graduate L-om-ltiqlcs in his annual lie would restrict graduate \'{(* iirid,;e, ' !V’lV ‘.4’ .. i'.,.rcli.”c.~. specially equipped students‘ research and iii if ojvigi nal and reeoinmrnded that me ili1i‘,‘,t“l,£;'ll)l{‘S” be ai,-soi"eed by the ’ Of the Voodbridge l'3‘_CJ.ll (the students of concem, I mean ' that, for them, we on making lliese lactilties. ion «l<‘p;;i'li7ieii't. ‘ "z1‘=.if.§:. Dean 7 in .~"‘.2‘J.li* e ii"oi't for .-kllmili-5 ll} ifs‘ inontlis’ cruise of over /ilT*,(luo by land and sea, the coil age will re—. turn to New York on lvlay ,1, lf)‘_’9. ‘ During the cruise 1‘ countries are visited and the stcainer calls at 37 dili"erent ports. Sai. westward the Ryndain calls 'i‘:'irst iii foreign, \ l ll l at } not stu- biiéj ll;':i1".;-,soi's who need the atteiition.”--(N.S.S.) Havana, then through the Panainal Canal, stopping at Colon and Bill-2 boa, thence to San Francisco, and from there across the Pacific to tlic llawaiian Islands, Japan, The Philippines, Siam, the Settlements, Java, Suinatra, Ceylon, India, lrabia, Eg}',i‘t, Turkey, the Mcditei'i'un;aii Europe. Interesting programs have l,‘Q(‘lT1 ai'i‘ange(l at each port and special, trains will take the students in groups, on inland trips in Japan,l Java, Siam, Ceylon, India, Egypt, Palestine, Italy,_ France, Geriiiany, and England. In most <-I‘ the 17: countries official i'eceptic-nri {ind en- tertai:imcnts will he ‘,:i'r,vvi<~1e