OCR::/Vol_095_096/WLURG39_RTP_19951110/WLURG39_RTP_19951110_001.2.txt Va“, {, :__‘_ ‘.‘i."i%£".“.§‘:.E‘i"3’:%‘9‘3’.Y’}.%‘l‘l5P. . . : : . . 22 . 9§*iiI.1%t.°9.§t-. .L.e§inat92~. .1’: . . . : open at 11 a.m. daily , ***FREE TRIPS & CASH!!*** Dinner served 4:30 p.m_ ‘tn 3?? Find out how hundreds of students are already earning FREE TRIPS and LOTS OF CASH with ' 9 ' V ' l Reeerveeiens reeemmeeeee A"'i§a'§§mZ: iifzfifillioi i=i§rl‘a§z° 31{’Z'£' iicifii °r'iyr:;€t:5 “’ as K3 irCc:.ii—,ll @l7~it . fl ass I -u 3 “Their sound is more x57 _ ;. A 0’ ‘_ groove-jazz than anything 9 . ‘ 0 _ . 2 else. Think hip, think focused. T T 1 You can even think rock iiyou . .1 1 i an 5 ,. i ! : The {Inc rd Exclumg _ Roiersh ,1 ' and Chapel Hill or mad? eroz5 , Franks__is.,.. Toothpaste _4.s oz. 1 ' ' ' an 7t«,