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dc.rights.licenseIn Copyrighten_US
dc.creatorCarter, Richard Powell
dc.description.abstractIt appeared rather logical that by combining certain anhydrides with nitryl chloride in bromine trifluoride solution, the respective nitronium complexes could be directly produced, avoiding the difficult conditions encountered when using dinitrogen tetroxide in the process of Woolf and Eneleus (2), and the rather unstable nitryl fluoride used by Aynsley (6). Since these substances were capable of acting as "acids" in bromine trifluoride, the nitryl chloride would thus be a convenient source of nitronium ions. Therefore we proceeded to first form the nitronium tetrafluorobromide complex by a direct reaction between nitryl chloride and bromine trifluoride and in turn reacting this complex in bromine trifluoride solution with the respective anhydride. Both boric anhydride and phosphoric anhydride were to be used. It did not seem likely that the nitronium trifluorochlorobromide would be produced in the reaction between nitryl chloride and bromine trifluoride, due to the extremely strong fluorinating properties of bromine trifluoride. The project was also extended to include work on the direct reaction between nitryl chloride and boron trifluoride, and also aluminum trichloride . . . From the results of these reactions it was also hoped that more conclusive statements could be issued concerning the nature of nitryl chloride in the "acid" solutions, and also in the bromine trifluoride solution. [From Introduction]en_US
dc.format.extent33 pagesen_US
dc.rightsThis material is made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, pursuant to U.S. Copyright law. The user assumes full responsibility for any use of the materials, including but not limited to, infringement of copyright and publication rights of reproduced materials. Any materials used should be fully credited with the source.en_US
dc.subject.other"Bachelor of Science in Chemistry" with special attainments in Chemistryen_US
dc.titleA Study of Selected Nitronium Complexes of Nitryl Chlorideen_US
dcterms.isPartOfWLURG038 - Student Papersen_US
dc.rights.holderCarter, Richard Powellen_US
dc.subject.fastComplex compounds -- Synthesisen_US
dc.subject.fastComplex compounds -- Researchen_US
local.scholarshiptypeBachelor of Scienceen_US

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